
  1. 本文以卧龙生武侠小说创作为范例,并联系其他作家的创作,论述其小说在传统文化与现代文化二者取舍上显示出的独特性。

    Based on the analysis to Wo Longsheng 's novels of chivalry and contrast with other chivalric novel writings , this thesis elaborates the uniqueness of his novels in conducting the traditional culture and modern culture .

  2. 从这个视角观照思考,会使卧龙生武侠小说的历史价值及其对于时下武侠小说创作的启示意义更加凸显。史学家常用这种著史的实录方法来评价小说作品,对古代文学家产生深远的影响。

    Studying from this perspective , the historic value of his novels and their enlightening significance to modem chivalric novel writings will be highlighted . Historian use this memoir method of writing history to appraise novel writings in usually that make profound infection to ancient litterateurs .

  3. 今年八月,一圈养大熊猫繁殖了在附近的卧龙森林野生环境生了一个男的孩子。

    In August , a captive-bred giant panda gave birth to a male cub in a near-wild environment in forests of Wolong .