
  • 网络Wesleyan;wesley;Wellesley;Wisely
  1. 卫斯理是一家运动鞋公司的广告经理。

    Wesley is an advertising manager at an athletic shoe company .

  2. 大家都认为卫斯理一定是疯了,才会在桌上跳舞。

    Everyone thought Wesley was crazy to dance on the table .

  3. 卫斯理学院垒球队的女孩们在练习中等待下一轮击球,跺脚取暖,八年级学生泰勒•比斯比看着队友帕里斯•怀特打球时有点发抖。

    The girls on the Wesleyan Academy softball were waiting for their next turns at bat during practice , stamping their feet to stay warm , Eighth-grader Taylor Bisbee shivered a little as she watched her teammate Paris White play .

  4. 我一直很喜欢卫斯理系列的推理小说。

    I always like the series " Whodunit " by Wei Sili .

  5. 位于康涅狄格州米德尔敦的卫斯理安大学(WesleyanUniversity)拥有一个新的就业中心,坐落在校园中很显眼的位置;

    Wesleyan University in Middletown , Conn. , has a new career center prominently located on campus ;

  6. 乔丹·施密特(JordanSchmidt)是哈特鲁茨农场的人事经理,她曾在卫斯理安大学主修环境科学。

    Jordan Schmidt , a crew manager here at Hearty Roots , studied environmental science at Wesleyan .

  7. 他还曾参加过伊利诺伊卫斯理大学的泰坦足球队(Titans)。

    He also played football for the Titans , Illinois Wesleyan 's team .

  8. 64岁的州立农业保险公司(StateFarmInsurance)CEO爱德华•鲁斯特,在伊利诺伊上高中时做过摔角手,后来曾代表劳伦斯大学(LawrenceUniversity)与伊利诺伊卫斯理大学(IllinoisWesleyan)参加比赛。

    State Farm Insurance CEO Edward Rust , 64 , spent four years wrestling in high school in Illinois before competing in college at both Lawrence Univeristy and Illinois Wesleyan .

  9. 那是1977年6月,我在卫斯理大学(Wesleyan)刚刚结束了大一的课程,正努力在雷尼热狗店(Lenny’sHotDogs)工作。

    It was June 1977 , just after my freshman year at Wesleyan , and I was hard at work at Lenny 's Hot Dogs .

  10. 位于康涅狄格州米德尔敦的卫斯理安大学(WesleyanUniversity)拥有一个新的就业中心,坐落在校园中很显眼的位置;它的网站鼓励新生们去那里逛逛,开展他们的四年计划。

    Wesleyan University in Middletown , Conn. , has a new career center prominently located on campus ; its Web site urges freshmen to stop by and start their four-year plan .

  11. “总体而言,今年爱尔兰国内增长仍为高负值,”俄亥俄卫斯理大学(OhioWesleyanUniversity)教授西恩•柯称。

    " Taken together , Ireland remains in deeply negative domestic growth for the year , " says Sean Kay , professor at Ohio Wesleyan University and author of Celtic revival ?

  12. 24岁的阿贝·包博曼(AbeBobman)正在农田里清理藤蔓,他曾在康涅狄格州卫斯理安大学(WesleyanUniversity)学习社会学,旁边是25岁的内特·克劳斯-马莱特(NateKrauss-Malett),他曾就读于斯基德莫尔学院(SkidmoreCollege)。

    Abe Bobman , 24 , who studied sociology at Wesleyan University in Connecticut , was clearing vines alongside Nate Krauss-Malett , 25 , who went to Skidmore College .

  13. 1977年8月15日,天文学家杰瑞·艾曼在俄亥俄州卫斯理公会派大学的一个搜寻地外文明项目中,如往常一样查看由“大耳朵”电波望远镜留下的报表,但这时他根据所看到的内容在稿纸之外写下“Wow!”。

    On August 15 , 1977 , astronomer Jerry Ehman , working on a SETI project at Ohio Wesleyan University 's Perkins Observatory , glanced as usual at the prints generated by the radio telescope known as the " Big Ear , " but what he saw this time made him write " Wow ! " on the printout .

  14. 卫理公会派教练习的卫斯理宗教义的追随者。

    A follower of Wesleyanism as practiced by the Methodist Church .

  15. 1994年,在得克萨斯州卫斯理大学法学院,英尺。

    In1994 , at Texas Wesleyan University School of Law , Ft.

  16. 卫斯理宗教会和福音联合弟兄会的联合。

    Union of the Methodist Church and the Evangelical United Brethren .

  17. 对卫斯理和整个广告部门而言,他是一个不可多得的人才。

    He is an asset to Wesley and the entire advertising department .

  18. 约翰或查理斯卫斯理的或卫理公会的或与之相关的。

    Of or relating to John or Charles Wesley or to methodism .

  19. 我们想跟“蕾丝李的老公”卫斯理见面。

    We want to meet Wesley of Wesley and Leslie .

  20. 卫斯理:你想他已经放弃做行销的念头了吗?

    Wesley : Do you think he has given up on marketing ?

  21. 红头发,旧长袍,你一定是卫斯理。

    Red hair and a hand-me-down robe * you must be a Weasley .

  22. 卫斯理:你说得没错。我明天就找他谈。

    Wesley : You 're right . I 'll talk to him tomorrow .

  23. 你好,这里是卫斯理电子公司。

    Man : Hello , this is Wesley Electronics .

  24. 卫斯理:这份行销工作对约瑟夫而言可能是梦想成真。

    Wesley : This marketing job might be a dream come true for Joseph .

  25. 我弟弟卫斯理刚和他太太蕾丝李分居。

    Like my brother Wesley . He just separated from his wife , Leslie .

  26. 谈到卫斯理和怀特菲尔德,英国历史上没有一次运动比得他们的运动。

    About Wesley and Whitefield , no movement in English history compares with theirs .

  27. 工业革命时期英国卫斯理宗(1740-1840)

    Methodism in England ( 1740 - 1840 )

  28. 卫斯理:约瑟夫对工作尽心尽力,让我做事轻松多了。

    Wesley : Joseph 's dedication to his work makes my job so much easier .

  29. 后来她又上了卫斯理学院,依然是靠奖学金就读。

    From there , she went on to Wellesley College , again on a scholarship .

  30. 史特林格是诗集《人性的外衣》《航标》(卫斯理大学出版社)的作者。

    A.E.Stringer is the author of Human Costume and Channel Markers ( Wesleyan University Press ) .