
  1. 印光法师研究师本管理初探

    A Study of Master Yin-guang

  2. 然而,在中西古今交错的时代,因果报应也受到各种挑战,在这样的时代背景下,印光法师开始了他对因果报应信仰的重建与传播。

    However , this belief was faced different challenges in the same time . Under these conditions , Master Yin-guang started to rebuild and spread it .

  3. 印光法师着手订定的五条核心规约,不但积极有效地回应了僧制改革的时代呼声,而且还还显著地推动了净土在近代的广泛传播和迅速发展。

    Five rules formulated for these monateries , not only responded the voice of monastic reformation , but also accelerated the great development of Pure Land in modern times .