
yìn zhì diàn lù bǎn
  • printed-circuit board;printed board;printed plate
印制电路板[yìn zhì diàn lù bǎn]
  1. 将磁盘存储器硬件接到计算机中央处理器(CPU)的印制电路板。

    A printed-circuit board which interfaces disk storage hardware to the CPU of a computer .

  2. 印制电路板的设计者为了波峰焊和浸焊后安装元器件方便,常常在印制板的焊盘上开槽。

    The designers of Printed-circuit board usually make slots on the soldering plotes for mounting related components after waving soldering and immersed-soldering .

  3. 印制电路板用液态UV感光成像油墨的研究进展

    Research Progress of Liquid UV Photo-imageable Ink for Printed Circuit Board

  4. 印制电路板用UV光固化材料

    UV Curing Materials for Printed Circuit Board

  5. 形态学细化算法在印制电路板(PCB)定位中的应用

    Morphological Thinning Algorithm With Application to Locating PCB

  6. 印制电路板(PCB)的红外热像诊断技术

    PCB Diagnostic Technique Based on Infrared Thermal Imaging

  7. 定义印制电路板的布局规则,对于PCB的设计的进行检查的改进。

    Define PCB layout rules and review work of PCB designers on an ongoing basis .

  8. 我国印制电路板(PCB)的非ODS清洗技术已基本解决。

    In general , Non-ODS PCB Cleaning technology has been resolved basically .

  9. 印制电路板(PCB)制造技术是电子信息制造业的重要基础和组成部分。

    The technology of PCB manufacturing is the important foundation and composing of electronic information manufacturing industry .

  10. 我国印制电路板非ODS清洗技术现状引发的思考

    Problems to Consider Recently for Non-ODS PCB Cleaning Technology in China

  11. ESD对印制电路板绝缘性能的影响

    Effect of ESD on Insulating Characteristic of PCB

  12. 印制电路板组装件非ODS清洗质量检测方法

    Quality Control of Printed Circuit Board Assemblies by Non-ODS Cleaning

  13. 酸化Fenton混凝工艺处理印制电路板显影废水的研究

    Study on the treatment of the development wastewater from printed circuit board production by acidification-Fenton-coagulation

  14. 基于EDA软件PROTEL的印制电路板设计问题的研究

    Focus Questions in PCB Design Based on Protel

  15. 提出了印制电路板(PCB)设计时内电层分割的一般性方法,并就其使用集合论的方法给予了较严格的数学证明。

    A general approach to internal power plane spliting with strict mathematical proof by set theory , is presented in this paper .

  16. 盲孔开裂是导致印制电路板(PCB)电气断路的主要原因之一。

    Failure of blind via is one of the main causes of an open circuit in printed circuit board ( PCB ) .

  17. 基于BST技术的印制电路板的测试

    The Test of PCB Based on BST

  18. PCB电镀铜工艺和常见问题的处理印制电路板中通孔电镀铜添加剂的研究

    Copper Plating Process for Printed Circuit Board and Disposal of Common Problems Research on acidic copper additives used in through-hole plating of PCB manufacture

  19. 印制电路板(PCB)是集成各种电子元器件的信息载体,是电子产品的关键部件。

    Printed Circuit Board ( PCB ) is information carriers integrating various electronic components . It is also the key unit of electronic products .

  20. 随着微电子工业的迅猛发展,印制电路板(PCB板)用光致抗蚀剂得到了越来越多的关注和研究。

    With the rapid development of the microelectronics industry , the photoresist for printed circuit board ( PCB ) get more and more attention .

  21. 构成PCB电感的导线是印制电路板上的铜线,其厚度一般接近导体的一个趋肤深度,此时电感的电感值及等效电阻值都会随频率的变化而变化。

    The windings of the PCB inductors are formed by the copper tracks on PCB board which thickness is close to a skin-effect depth .

  22. 基于DSP变频器抗电磁干扰,其硬件含接口电路、总线、印制电路板抗干扰措施及功率输出电磁兼容设计。

    Based on DSP transducer , hardware of anti-electromagnetic interference includes interface circuit , bus , anti-jamming measure of printed circuit board , and electromagnetic compatible design of power output .

  23. 本文研究了用于印制电路板(PCB)光学自动检测设备中的图像配准算法。

    In this dissertation , the image registration algorithms used in automatic optical inspection ( AOI ) of printed circuit board ( PCB ) are investigated .

  24. 使用Protel设计接口板的原理图并绘制印制电路板,完成USB接口到LAN和GPIB接口的转换。

    Design schematic of interface conversion board and drawing PCB by using Protel , implement interface conversion for USB port to LAN and GPIB .

  25. 织的绿色玻璃和SATA和电源连接器铜花式一块称为印制电路板或PCB。

    The fancy piece of green woven glass and copper with SATA and power connectors called Printed Circuit Board or PCB .

  26. 本实用新型涉及一种节水装置,特别是应用于印制电路板(PCB)线上的节水装置。

    The utility model relates to a water saving device , in particular to a water saving device used on a printed circuit board ( PCB ) line .

  27. 基于Protel的印制电路板可靠性预计计算机辅助方法研究

    Study on a Way Which was Based on Protel to Predict the Reliability of PCB by Computer

  28. 电子产品的发展趋势要求印制电路板(PCB)沿着轻、薄、短、小及多功能化方向发展。

    The development trends of electronic products require PCB ( printed circuit board ) along the development direction of " light , thin , short and small " and multifunction .

  29. 从设备接口、有源器件选择、印制电路板设计和单片机软硬件设计几个方面详细介绍了采用的EMC技术;

    The method is brought forward in various aspects such as the equipment interface , the choice of active device , printed circuit layout techniques , and micro-controller design .

  30. 本文以典型舰载电子设备为研究对象,通过对模型合理的简化,采用有限元分析软件ANSYS建立其有限元模型,包括电子机柜、印制电路板、电源及其元器件。

    Through reasonable simplification of the model , use the finite element analysis software ANSYS to create the finite element model , including electronic cabinets , printed circuit board , power and other components .