
  • 网络indian literature
  1. 我正在研究印度文学。

    I am doing some research on Indian literature .

  2. 印度教与印度文学关系探讨

    On the Relationship between Hinduism and Indian Literature

  3. 谈V.S.奈保尔的西印度文学书写

    On V.S.Naipaul 's West Indian Literary Writing

  4. 在印度文学理论中有味论诗学。

    In Indian poetry there is the rasa theory ( theory of flavours ) .

  5. 《罗摩衍那》和罗摩崇拜&试析印度文学与宗教的高度结合

    《 RAMAYANA 》 AND RAMA WORSHIP A Trial Analysis of High level of Integration of Indian

  6. 郑振铎与印度文学的关系源于他对泰戈尔的翻译和介绍。

    The relationship between Zheng Zhenduo and Indian literature derived from his interpretation and introduction of Tagores works .

  7. 他精通梵文,编纂佛典;极力推崇佛教;翻译和评介印度文学作品。

    He is fluent in Sanskrit , the compilation of Buddhist Scripture ; pushing Buddhism ; translation and review the Indian literature .

  8. 宋代的味论诗学与苏轼的诗味追求在印度文学理论中有味论诗学。

    The Taste Poetics and Su Shi 's Seeking for Poetic Tastes In Indian poetry there is the rasa theory ( theory of flavours ) .

  9. 重点论述了印度文学对我国汉族文学在体裁、题材、形象、语言诸方面的影响;

    As regards Indian literature 's influence on Chinese literature , the essay focuses on the styles , subjects , imagery , as well as language .

  10. 他对印度文学作品的译介和研究为中国的外国文学研究和中印文学比较研究做出了开拓性贡献。

    His translation and study of Indian literature made a pioneer contribution to the study of foreign literature and the comparative study of Chinese Indian literature .

  11. 周利群喜爱印度文学,而合著人沈逸鸣则主修印地语,正好在二人研究印度社会文化与宗教方面起到了互补作用。

    Zhou loves Indian literature , while her fellow co-writer Shen majors in Hindi , which contributes to their complementary knowledge of the culture and religion of Indian society .

  12. 佛教对东方文化产生了深刻而巨大的影响,朝鲜文学与中国文学以及印度文学之间的相互交流和影响源远流长。

    Buddhism has exerted profound influence to the oriental cultures , and Korean literature , keeping longstanding exchanges with Chinese literature and Indian literature , is no exception to the rule .

  13. 印度教信仰的三大主神为印度文学提供了恒定的主题;

    The three gods worshipped by Hinduism provide the Indian literature with an eternal theme , and the space model of the Indian literary creation conforms to the Hindu concept of " the three kingdoms " .

  14. 而与宗教、伦理、哲学和诗学等诸般文化形态盘根错节在一起的印度文学和美学更像是克里特岛上的米诺斯迷宫,往往令人望而却步。

    The tangled Indian aesthetics , mixed with so many culture forms as religion , ethics , philosophy and poetry , etc , is just like the Minos Labyrinth that makes one shrink back at the sight of it .

  15. 印度古代文学的世界影响

    The World-wide Influence of India ′ s Ancient Literature

  16. 印度古代文学在中国的传播和变异

    Ancient Indian Literature and Its Variation in China

  17. 创造性转变&印度古代文学在中国流传的几个特点

    The Creative Transition & several Characteristics of the India 's Ancient Literature Circulated among China

  18. 艳情在日本和印度是文学理论或美感中的一个重要概念,并形成了相应的文学传统。

    For Japan and India , it is an important concept in literature theory or the aesthetic feeling , having formed the corresponding literature tradition .

  19. 通过这些转变,印度古代文学最终扎根于中土,对中国文学产生了长久深远的影响。

    Through these conversions , the ancient Indian literature has deeply rooted at China eventually , and has cast a profound influence on the Chinese literature .

  20. 印度20世纪文学的脉络和特质

    The 20th century Indian Literature : Origin , Development and Feature

  21. 殖民地时期印度法律的文学书写&泰戈尔短篇小说《原来如此》的法律内涵

    Literary Writing on Law in Colonial India & A Case Study of a Short Story by Tagore

  22. 在印度的吠陀文学和世俗文学中,存在丰富多彩的神话故事。

    There are many rich and colourful mythological tales in Indian Vedic and common literature , in which he religious spirit and worldly spirit coexist .

  23. 龙崇拜在我国有着悠久的历史,但是龙王龙女故事却是由印度的佛经文学演变而来。

    The Worship of dragon has a long history in our country , but the story of dragon king and his daughter is evolved by the Indian buddhist literature .

  24. 唐传奇叙事艺术成就的获得,既吸纳了中国传统叙事艺术如史传、六朝志怪的营养,也借鉴了国外叙事艺术,如印度的佛典文学和民间文学的经验。

    The achievements of Tang 's legend can be attributed not only to its absorbing Chinese traditional narrative experience , but also to its adopting foreign narrative art , such as Buddhism literature and folk literature of India .

  25. 许地山的学术成就与印度文化的关系主要体现在佛教和印度文学两个方面。

    Xu Dishan 's academic achievements and their relation with Indian culture are mainly embodied in two aspects ; Buddhism and Indian literature .

  26. 英语是印度的辅助官方语言,(而事实上其实际地位已经超过了官方语言)也是教育语言,同时也是印度的文学创作工具。

    English is used as a subsidiary official language ( in fact , its actual status has surpassed the official language ) , the educational language , and the tool of literature writing .