
wēi xiǎn dì dài
  • danger zone;jungle
  1. 马上撤离危险地带,在有风时要注意顺风跑。

    Evacuates the danger zone immediately , when has the wind must attention running free runs .

  2. 所有较富庶的国家都位于这个危险地带之外。

    All the richer countries lie outside this danger zone .

  3. 我们的部队已经撤出危险地带。

    Our forces have been withdrawn from the danger area .

  4. 然后,一位名叫玛丽娜(Marina)的法律系学生问起有关堕胎的问题在巴西堕胎是非法的。希拉里开始进入危险地带了。

    Then a law student called Marina asks about abortion which is illegal in Brazil and Clinton moves into treacherous terrain .

  5. 你在一个危险地带把那女孩放下了车。

    You dropped that girl off in a war zone , man .

  6. 但我不打情骂俏,因为这是游走于危险地带。

    However I do not flirt because that is treading dangerous ground .

  7. 黑人聚居区对黑人和其他各族的人来说,都是危险地带

    The Black ghettos are dangerous Both for Blacks and non-Blacks

  8. 这里绝对是个危险地带。

    It 's an absolute hot zone in there .

  9. 他们绕过危险地带疾驶而去。体操

    They circumnavigated the danger zone and speeded along .

  10. 请注意,你已进入危险地带。

    Beware you have entered the danger zone .

  11. 咱们得花上四倍时间才能通过这个危险地带。

    It 'll take us four times as long to transit the hot zone .

  12. 你的家是你婚姻的危险地带么?

    Is your home a danger zone ?

  13. 由于扩散至160平方英里的比弗河大火,强制要求约2000座房屋的住户撤离危险地带。

    About 2000 homes remain under mandatory evacuation orders due to the 160-square-mile Beaver Creek fire .

  14. 他们决定减少住在化工厂周围危险地带的人数。

    They decided to reduce the number of people in the hazard zone round the chemical factory .

  15. 而其他人为了接收到手机信号,不得不长途跋涉,穿越国家公园中的危险地带。

    Others had walked long distances through dangerous terrain to find phone reception , according to police .

  16. 两处都是危险地带,需要历险,(尤指因在高或陡处而)令人眩晕的峭壁下,海浪拍打着下面的岩石。

    Both involve hazardous terrain to negotiate , above vertiginous falls to waves pounding on the rocks below .

  17. 南沙群岛危险地带腹地珊瑚礁的地貌与现代沉积特征

    Geomorphic and modern sedimentary features of coral reefs in the hinterland of " dangerous ground ", Nansha Islands

  18. 那片森林在热带,因为有很多野生动物,所以是个危险地带。

    The forest was in the torrid zone and was a danger zone because there were many wild animals .

  19. 世界已从悬崖边缘后退,但并没有完全脱离绝壁附近的危险地带。

    The world has stepped back from the brink , but is still skirting the edge of the precipice .

  20. 十年前,观点普遍认为过多的投资于这些“亚危险地带”也许是场灾难。

    A decade ago , the thought that so much depended on these crisis-prone places would have been terrifying .

  21. 当我们开车进入危险地带的时候,直升飞机突然从天而降,但是他们的时间有限。

    Above us as we drove into the danger zone helicopters swooped to intervene , but their time was limited .

  22. 如果制定最后期限是最重要的,那么在陷入危险地带之前就通过沟通得知。

    If making a deadline is a top priority , youll know to communicate with her long before thats in jeopardy .

  23. 大多数人会认为在战时加油机只会在安全的空域飞行,绝不会靠近危险地带。

    Most people may think that tankers just fly around in safe areas during wartime , never getting too close to danger .

  24. 丹麦到挪威一线也属于危险地带,但也不排除是冰雪灾害。

    Denmark to Norway is also part of front-line danger zone , but does not rule out a snow and ice hazards .

  25. 我们已经撤离危险地带。人们不顾危险地到我们星球上最高的地方探险。

    We have been withdrawn from the danger area . Human beings venture into the highest parts of our planet at their peril .

  26. 我用我的法兰绒裤子把它们挪出了危险地带,还在它们面前放了点面包屑,这可把它们吓坏了。

    I manoeuvre them with my flannel out of the danger zone and put nourishing cake crumbs before them , which terrifies them !

  27. 安琪拉国家森林公园的火灾信息官员纳山·朱迪表示,目前的关注焦点是火灾持续的危险地带。

    Nathan Judy , the fire information officer for the Angeles National Forest , says the premiere focus now is putting out lingering hot spots .

  28. 接上电之后,你就等着,等蚊子进入这个危险地带,当然也许蚊子永远也不来。阿什宝解释道。

    You plug it in , Ashbaugh explained , and then you just wait , maybe forever , for you prey to get within dangerous proximity .

  29. “艾伦侦察器”的研制者们说,设计这款相机的目的是为了在那些耗时耗力也很难到达的危险地带进行拍摄。

    The makers of the Aeryon Scout say it was designed for taking pictures of places where it 's too difficult , dangerous or time-consuming to go .

  30. 随着海平面上升,一个常见的风暴都可能会像桑迪一样灾难性,把大约三分之一的城市街道置于洪水的危险地带。

    With sea-level rise , a common storm could prove as catastrophic as Sandy , putting about a third of the city 's streets in a flood danger zone .