
juàn wěi hóu
  • capuchin;weeping monkey
  1. 训练卷尾猴进行表演的这段过程。

    The process of training capuchin monkeys for a show .

  2. 卷尾猴经常擦用某种类型的千足虫的身体。

    Capuchin monkeys often rub their bodies with a certain type of millipede .

  3. 对卷尾猴来说这是一场消耗战

    For the capuchins this is a war of attrition .

  4. 25是一只转基因卷尾猴。

    Twenty-five is a genetically altered capuchin monkey .

  5. 研究人员指出,正如人类一样,卷尾猴也受社会情感的影响。

    The researchers suggest that capuchin monkeys , like humans , are guided by social emotions .

  6. 在卷尾猴的世界里,葡萄是奢侈品(比黄瓜受欢迎得多)。

    In the world of capuchins grapes are luxury goods ( and much preferable to cucumbers ) .

  7. 研究人员对两只棕色的雌性卷尾猴的行为进行了研究。

    The researchers studied the behaviour of female brown capuchin monkeys , which have all the necessary ingredients to capture the public imagination .

  8. 丙卷尾猴与摩擦很少,除非在雨季时,蚊子数量达到最高峰,是千足虫的身体。

    C.The capuchins rarely rub their bodies with the millipedes except during the rainy season , when mosquito populations are at their peak .

  9. 卷尾猴是世界上最聪明的猴科动物,但奇怪的是,被囚禁的那些似乎比野生的更加聪明。

    Capuchins are the brainiest monkeys in the world , yet strangely those in captivity appear to be much smarter than those in the wild .

  10. 化验结果显示,从这些千足虫的尸体分泌物富含这两种化学物质有强大的蚊怕水,和蚊子携带寄生虫,减弱卷尾猴。

    Laboratory tests show that secretions from the bodies of these millipedes are rich in two chemicals that are potent mosquito repellents , and mosquitoes carry parasites that debilitate capuchins .

  11. 他是一只白脸的黑卷尾猴……加俄国酱外加腌黄瓜。

    Rachel : Okay , he 's a , he 's a black capuchian monkey with a white face ... with , with Russian dressing and , and pickles on the side .

  12. 结论B型超声技术能实时监测卷尾猴的卵泡生长发育过程,预知优势卵泡排卵时间。

    Conclusion Follicular growth in adult female Cebus monkeys with normal menstrual cycle can be well determined by real-time ultrasound examination and thus to predict the time of ovulation of a dominant follicle .

  13. 他告知法新社:有相似的研究表明簇绒卷尾猴(源于南美洲的一种猴群)也有这种能力,但没有证据表明黑猩猩会凭自己的直接利益判断与谁接触。

    There is a similar study that showed tufted capuchins ( a monkey native to South America ) have this ability , but there is no evidence that chimpanzees demonstrate a preference unless there is a direct benefit to them , he told AFP .