
  1. 先是洁面,通常要用两种洁面产品(先是卸妆油,然后是泡沫洁面乳),然后用柔肤水平衡脸上的pH值。

    And it is exhaustive . First , there 's cleansing , often with two different cleansers ( one oil-based to remove makeup , then a foaming cleanser ) , followed by a toner to balance pH levels on the face .

  2. 打开我的床头柜,拿出我肉桂味的卸妆油。

    Go into my nightstand and get my cinnamon-flavored make-up remover .

  3. 能不能就把它称为“卸妆油”啊?

    Can we please call it make-up remover ?

  4. 如果你需要帮忙,卡洛琳还剩点“卸妆油”哦。

    Well , if you need any help , Caroline 's got some make-up remover .

  5. 以前我会用专门的眼部卸妆油,但是婴儿油一样好用而且更便宜。

    I used to buy eye make-up remover but found that baby oil is just as good and cheaper .

  6. 购买一大罐普通的凡士林,可以用作润唇膏,卸妆油,眼霜,手脚润肤霜。

    Buy a big jar of generic petroleum jelly . It can serve as clear lip gloss , lip balm , makeup remover , under-eye moisturizer , and foot and hand cream .

  7. 它也有睡眠面膜(可以敷着入睡的浓缩面膜),还有一款用鲨烯做的卸妆油,这种从甘蔗中提取出来的鲨烯在亚洲流行已久。

    It also has a sleeping mask ( a concentrated mask you wear overnight ) and an oil-like product made from squalene , which comes from sugar cane and has long been popular in Asia .

  8. 它可以做唇蜜,润唇膏,卸妆油,去很眼圈眼霜,手霜脚霜。小贴士:如果你只剩下一点点唇膏,混合凡士林就能当做唇蜜继续用啦!

    It can serve as clear lip gloss , lip balm , makeup remover , under-eye moisturizer , and foot and hand cream.Tip : If you have just a smidgen of lipstick left in the tube , mix it with petroleum jelly and use as lip gloss .