
  • 网络Father of History;pater historiae
  1. 被认为是历史之父的古希腊人;他的关于希腊人和波斯人的战争的纪录是史无前例的。

    The ancient Greek known as the father of history ; his accounts of the wars between the Greeks and Persians are the first known examples of historical writing ( 425-485 BC ) .

  2. 瓦尔特·司各特被誉为欧洲的历史小说之父。

    Walter-Scott was named of " The Father of The History Fiction " .

  3. 司各特被称为欧洲历史小说之父,他的历史小说体现出了典型的浪漫主义特征,确立了西方历史小说的传统。

    Walter Scott is called " the father of historic novels " in Europe . And his historic novels reveal typical romantic characteristics .

  4. 被称为历史小说之父的沃尔特·司各特是英国十九世纪伟大的小说家与诗人。

    Considered " the creator and a great master of the historical novel ", Sir Walter Scott is one of the greatest British novelists and poets in the nineteenth-century .

  5. 瓦尔特·司各特(1771&1832)是十九世纪英国伟大的小说家与诗人,被人称为欧洲历史小说之父。

    Walter Scott ( 1771 & 1832 ), one of the great novelists and poets of 19th century in Britain , is called the Father of History Novel in Europe .