
  1. 主页中当年中心新闻、学术会议、中心论坛仍为中文,历史新闻在“中心新闻-既往新闻”中均已英文化。

    But the content of main page shows as " news "," Conference ", and " seminar " are still in Chinese only .

  2. 也许我不应该选那些课,而应该学历史或新闻。

    Maybe I ought to major in history or journalism instead .

  3. 今天的新闻就是明天的历史,新闻记者是正在发生的历史的记录者。

    Today 's news is tomorrow 's history and , of course , journalists are the recorders of history .

  4. 一时新闻与一页历史中国新闻网站的首页分析

    A Discussion on the Connection between Temporary News Report and History Analysis of the Front Page of China 's Journalistic Websites

  5. 历史和新闻往往混为一谈,人们的这种印象往往也是怀疑和乐观的混合体。

    History and news become confused , and one 's impressions tend to be a mixture of skepticism ( n. ) and optimism .

  6. 记录完故事后,StoryCoach的算法会在互联网上搜索与故事相关的历史资料&新闻片段、图片、视频等。

    An algorithm then scrapes the web for relevant historical content & news clippings , pictures , video footage .

  7. 无论是历史叙事还是新闻叙事,都是对于真实性的共同追求。

    Both historical narrative and news narrative have pursuit for authenticity .

  8. 由于文化历史原因,新闻失实现象一直存在着,只是不同的时代表现出了不同的特点。

    Because of historical reasons , the news inaccurate have existed phenomenon , just different time show the different features .

  9. 回顾历史,电视新闻业务的发展受到了很多因素的影响,包括政治、经济、文化、思想观念和技术,等等。

    Looking into the history , the development of television news business was affected by too many factors , such as politics , economy , culture , ideology and technology , ect .

  10. 社会学者、历史学者、新闻媒体工作者也把视线偏向这方面,因为任何研究都是为了大众服务的,档案学者也不例外。

    Social scholars , history scholar , news media worker also line of sight deviation this aspect , because any research serves for the populace , the archives scholar is not exception .

  11. 周二,中国航天科技集团公司举行了公司历史上首次新闻发布会,邀请中国媒体及一家西方新闻机构的记者听取了其首席工程师的情况简报并参观了一处训练设施。

    On Tuesday CASC held the first press conference in its history , inviting Chinese journalists and one western publication to a briefing by its chief engineer and a tour of a training facility .

  12. 在这一总体基调的规定之下,从新时期到新世纪头十年的报告文学形成了历史反思、新闻快递、科技引领、道法审视、生态忧患等多种主题模式。

    Under the overall guidance , the reportage from the New Stage to the first decade of the New Century forms its own model with multiple themes such as historical reflection , news express , scientific and technological lead , moral and legal examination , and ecological sufferings and hardships .

  13. 不像传统的新闻媒体有编辑来策划内容、检查准确性和保持平衡,Facebook让工程师编写算法,根据用户的历史偏好来选择新闻。

    Unlike traditional news media , where editors curate content and check accuracy and balance , Facebook deploys engineers to write algorithms that select news according to the historic preferences of users .

  14. 默多克迅速做出决定,关闭了拥有168年历史的《世界新闻报》,这也是一个奇怪的举措。

    The quick decision to close the 168-year-old tabloid was another curious move .

  15. 从历史角度考虑,新闻是怎么促进社会公民的社会参与的?

    What role has journalism historically played in facilitating political discourse and civic engagement ?

  16. 故事可以出现在传说、文学、历史、谈话和新闻报道中。

    One finds stories in legend , literature , history , stage performance , conversation and news .

  17. 在此框架下,分别对各个不同历史条件下的新闻批评进行分析、总结。

    Under this frame , this essay analyses and summarizes news criticism in different historical periods separately .

  18. 星期二,在史密森尼学会美国国家历史博物馆举行的新闻发布会上,美国国家铸币局局长。

    U.S.Mint Director Ed Moy introduced the new coin at a news conference Tuesday at the Smithsonian Institution 's National Museum of American History .

  19. “提拉克将它看作是我们对那些被杀死的人的亲属的道德义务,完全澄清了精神病院墓地的历史,”该新闻稿说。

    " Tilak sees it as our moral duty to the relatives of those killed to completely clarify the history of the mental institution 's graveyard ," the press release says .

  20. 但是传媒的发展历史告诉我们,新闻媒体的公信力才是一笔最大的无形资产,才是核心竞争力,而公信力则来自于强烈的社会责任感。

    But the history of media development tells us that credibility is a greatly valuable intangible asset and the core competitiveness , and it only comes from great sense of social responsibility .

  21. 不同于新闻传播通史中的一章一节和单篇的论文成果,本课题将结合历史文献学与新闻传播学的双重视角,展开对清代京报的专题性研究。

    Unlike a chapter of the general history of Journalism and Communication or papers in a single article , this topic will combine the perspective of historical philology and journalism and communication science .

  22. 本文就围绕着他的办报活动展开,通过对他的办报经历的阐述,来探讨他在新闻思想和实践中的贡献,最后联系历史揭示他对新闻界的重要影响。

    In this paper , around his newspaper activities described his newspaper experience , to explore his contribution in the news , at the last , I will describe his important influence on the press .

  23. 本文总结了网络新闻传播教育在中国的兴起和发展的历史,提出网络新闻传播理论的创新是网络新闻传播教育的基础,进而对网络新闻传播教育的目的和方法进行了分析。

    This thesis summarizes the rise and history of development of Netnews Communication Education in Chinese , and put forwards innovation Netnews Communication Education theories is the foundation of it , and then analyses the intention and ways of Netnews Communication Education .

  24. 本文从历史的维度追溯了故事与人类社会形影相随的亲密关系,进而提出作为历史初稿的新闻与故事有着一种内在的天然联系;

    This text traces back to the intimate relationship between story and human society in history , and then proposes a kind of inherent natural links between news and story of the historical first draft ;