
  • 网络pressure recorder;manograph
  1. 200-J压力记录仪常见故障及排除

    Common Bugs of Pressure Recorder 200-J and Its Exclusive Methods

  2. 压力记录仪在燃气管道气密性试验中的应用

    Application of Pressure Recorder in Pneumatic Testing of Gas Pipeline

  3. 钢管静水压试验机电控系统及试验压力记录仪的研制

    Electrical Control System of Hydrostatic Tester and Research & Development of Test Pressure Recording Instrument

  4. 压力记录仪是地层测试的主力仪表,包括活塞式压力计和计时器。

    Pressure recorder2uu-J containing a timer and a pressure recorder is one of the major instruments using inforimtion tests .

  5. 煤气压力自动记录仪的误差分析

    Error Analysis of Gas Pressure Self-recording Instrument

  6. 提出了闪锌矿不仅可作为地质温度计,还可能作为地质温度、压力变化记录仪的设想。

    It is assumed that natural sphalerite not only can be used as a geo-thermometer but also as a recorder of the developments of temperature and pressure .

  7. 智能型井口温度压力自动数字记录仪

    Intelligent Digital Recorder for Temperature and Pressure of Wellhead

  8. 文章介绍一种新研制开发的智能井口温度压力自动数字记录仪。

    A new type of intelligent digital recorder for temperature and pressure of wellhead is introduced in this paper .

  9. 固定式之惰气压力与含氧量记录仪是否运作正常?

    Are fixed IG pressure and oxygen content recorders working ?

  10. 浮子压力计式流量记录仪

    Float manometer-type flow recorder