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  1. 作为唐传奇的压卷之作,《任氏传》开辟了人狐恋小说的先河。

    As magnificent works of Tang legend ," Ren The Fox Fairy " is the earliest love story between human and fox .

  2. 叙事诗《铜骑士》是伟大的俄国诗人亚·谢·普希金(1799&1837)的压卷之作,又是一篇结构独特、意蕴深沉的杰作。

    The poem Bronze Cavalier by Pushkin , Aleksandr ( 1799 1837 ), a great Russian poet , is one of his most successful works as well as a masterpiece with unique structure and deep insight .

  3. 他的作品从《穷人》始,到其压卷之作《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》,创立了众多的文学经典形象。

    His works beginning from the " poor " to " The Brothers of Karamazov ", which is his work for pressure and volume , He created a large number of images that is literary classics .

  4. 苏富比中国书画部主管张超群在预售发布会上表示,这幅画和《庐山图》被认为是张大千晚年压卷之作。《庐山图》现藏于台北故宫中。

    C.K. Cheung , head of Sotheby 's Chinese paintings department , said in a presale release that the painting is considered to be " a pivotal work from Zhang 's late years , alongside Mount Lu , " another landscape by Zhang that is currently at the Taipei Palace Museum .