
  1. 铅还同精神压抑症有关。

    Lead is also linked to the mental sickness of depression .

  2. 在我们过去的这一代人里,工业化世界中临床压抑症爆炸性增长。

    Clinical depression has exploded in the industrial world in the last generation .

  3. 职务犯罪的主要病态心理类型包括精神压抑症、胜利恐惧症、骄横跋扈症和奢侈症。

    The main morbid psychology types of duty criminal consist of mental depression , victory fear , imperiousness and luxury .

  4. 专家估计那些带有压抑症的病人可能想通过玩电脑游戏作为一种自我治疗的方式,令自己沉浸在电脑游戏的世界来忘记现实生活的一切烦恼。

    The researchers hypothesized that depressed individuals might be turning to games as a means of self-medication , immersing themselves in a game 's world as a way of forgetting about real-life troubles .

  5. 初中生患重大压抑混乱的通常更难治疗,这样早期治疗压抑症就显得更加需要。

    The authors pointed out that major depressive disorder in elementary school children is usually difficult to treat , making the need to catch depression early even more urgent .