
  • 网络PZT;PIEZO;piezoelectric ceramic;Piezoceramics
  1. 面向超精密磨削的压电陶瓷驱动微进给控制系统

    A Controller of Micro-Positioning System Using PZT for Ultra-precision Grinding

  2. 另一非常有前途的技术,是利用压电陶瓷作为驱动器和传感器。

    Another very promising technique is the use of PZT as actuators and sensors .

  3. 低Q压电陶瓷振子QM和Kt的测量方法

    A Method of Measuring Low Q_m and K_t of Piezoelectric Ceramic Vibrator

  4. 高Qm、低损耗压电陶瓷材料的研究

    Study on High Qm , Low Dielectric Loss Piezoelectric Ceramics Materials

  5. 压电陶瓷的Nd∶YAG准脉冲激光打孔研究

    Investigation of the Drilling Conditions of Piezoelectric Ceramics by Pulsed Nd ∶ YAG Laser

  6. 介绍了压电陶瓷变压器,并对LCD背光源中的电磁变压器和压电陶瓷变压器的差异做了比较。

    The differences between electromagnetic transformer and the PZT in backlight are compared .

  7. PZT压电陶瓷滤波器的烧结工艺研究

    Research on the sintering technology of the PZT piezoelectric ceramic filter

  8. 高g常数的梯状结构PZT压电陶瓷&国外新型压电材料简介

    High g-constant Piezoelectric PZT Ceramic with Ladder Type Structure & A brief introduction of new external piezoelectric material

  9. 最后讨论了在LCD背光源中用压电陶瓷变压器替代传统电磁变压器的可行性。

    The feasibility about substituting the PZT for the traditional electromagnetic transformer in LCD backlight is discussed .

  10. 掺杂PZT压电陶瓷材料的研制及其发展趋势

    The Development of the Doped PZT Piezoelectric Ceramic Materials and Their Developing Trends

  11. 利用脉冲激光溅射沉积PZT压电陶瓷薄膜。

    This paper reports an investigation on PZT films by pulsed laser deposition .

  12. 基于压电陶瓷驱动器(PZT)驱动的二维微动工作台系统及控制方法的研究

    Micro-drive Positioning System Based on PZT and its Control

  13. 电泳沉积法制备PZT压电陶瓷管

    Fabrication of PZT Piezoelectric Ceramic Tubes by Electrophoretic Deposition

  14. Rainbow压电陶瓷的制备及其结构

    Manufacture and Structure of the Rainbow Piezoelectric Ceramics

  15. 低温烧结PZT–0.5%PbO·WO3压电陶瓷

    Low temperature sintered pzt – 0.5 % pbo wo_3 piezoelectric ceramics

  16. 用有限元分析软件ANSYS对四分压电陶瓷管进行模态分析,得出该陶瓷管的前12阶谐振频率和模态振型。

    Using the ANSYS software of finite element , modal analysis is executed and twelve steps harmonic frequency are obtained .

  17. 发射型PZT压电陶瓷的应变及性能

    Strain and Properties of Transmitting Type PZT Ceramics

  18. 研究了混凝土凝固过程中,埋入的PZT压电陶瓷元件受到混凝土干缩作用时的应力响应特性。

    The stress responses of the embedded piezoelectric ceramic in the concretion are researched .

  19. 在所建模型基础上,结合PID控制器对压电陶瓷进行了Rule+PI控制的离线仿真研究;

    Combining with PID controller , off-line simulation with Rule and PI control was conducted in piezoelectric actuators based on the control model .

  20. PZT压电陶瓷制备中的几个问题

    Several Problems in PZT Piezoelectric Ceramics Preparation

  21. 分析讨论了强磁场中弱磁性BT无铅压电陶瓷晶粒有序取向转变过程。

    The ordered arrangement process of weak magnetic BT grain in a high magnetic field is analyzed .

  22. 研究了压电陶瓷(PZT)驱动电源对不规则信号的动态响应特性。

    We studied the dynamic response characteristics of the PZT driver response for the irregular signals .

  23. 本文利用迈氏干涉法测量压电陶瓷扫描头(PZT)的电滞曲线和灵敏度因子。

    The measurements of the hysteresis loop and sensitivity of PZT using Michelson interferometer are described .

  24. 具有大驱动位移的复合结构型PZT压电陶瓷

    Large-displacement PZT piezoelectrics with composite structure

  25. 为进一步提高在实现过程中的定位控制精度及稳定性,将积分分离PID控制应用于压电陶瓷定位过程,达到了预期的控制精度和效果。

    The PID controlling model is used to make it improved in the precision and stability comparing to the opening control and proportion control procedure .

  26. MgO,Y2O3,MnO2掺杂PZT超声压电陶瓷性能研究

    Study on Properties of PZT Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Ceramics Doped with MgO , Y_2O_3 , MnO_2 Oxide

  27. 总结了影响压电陶瓷Curie温度的影响因素。

    The factors influencing the Curie temperature of piezoelectric ceramics are summarized as well .

  28. 将压电陶瓷泵应用于国内液冷散热器的研究,进一步扩大了国内CPU液冷散热问题的研究领域。

    It makes piezoelectric ceramic pump really apply to domestic liquid-cooling radiator research , extending the fields of the domestic CPU liquid-cooling system .

  29. 随着复合材料中PZT压电陶瓷粉含量的增加,复合材料的阻尼性能增加;

    Along with compound material in PZT piezoelectricity ceramics powder content increase , compound material damping performance increase ;

  30. 无机材料PZT(MNN)压电陶瓷的研制

    Manufacturing of Piezoelectric Ceramics PZT ( MNN ) in Inorganic Material