
cè suǒ
  • toilet;latrine;lavatory;washroom;loo;water closet;john;lav;cloakroom;dunny;bog;shithouse;petty;khazi
厕所 [cè suǒ]
  • [toilet] 供人大小便的地方

厕所[cè suǒ]
  1. 最近的公共厕所在车站。

    The nearest public lavatory is at the station .

  2. 这座楼里有厕所吗?

    Is there any lavatory in this building ?

  3. 我只得排队等着上厕所。

    I had to join a queue for the toilets .

  4. 我抽到了下下签,只得打扫厕所了。

    I drew the short straw and had to clean the toilets .

  5. 请问哪里有女厕所?

    Could you tell me where the ladies ' toilet is , please ?

  6. 你要上厕所吗,比利?

    Do you need to go , Billy ?

  7. 我可以用一下你的厕所吗?

    Can I use your loo , please ?

  8. 附近有男厕所吗?

    Is there a gents near here ?

  9. 你冲厕所了吗?

    Have you flushed the toilet ?

  10. 谁在用厕所?

    Who 's in the toilet ?

  11. 男厕所在哪儿?

    Where 's the gents ?

  12. 有一次他裤链没拉就出了厕所。

    He once emerged from the toilets with his flies unfastened .

  13. 流动厕所前总排着20码长的队伍。

    There was a permanent 20-yard queue for the portable toilets .

  14. 没有正规的厕所,只有一个位于室外的茅坑。

    There were no proper toilets , but only an outdoor latrine

  15. 她最后只好把自己锁在厕所里来躲开他。

    She eventually had to lock herself in the toilets to avoid him

  16. 我问是否可以上厕所。

    I asked if I could go to the loo .

  17. 厕所里爬满了虫子。

    The toilet was full to the brim with insects .

  18. 一到坦普尔站,夏洛特立即冲进了女厕所。

    At Temple station , Charlotte rushed into the Ladies .

  19. 厨房最初夹在早餐厅和厕所之间。

    The original kitchen was sandwiched between the breakfast room and the toilet .

  20. 虽然他已经服用了抗生素,但他还是不停地上厕所。

    Although he had been treated with antibiotics , he went to the bathroom repeatedly .

  21. 亲爱的,厕所在那边。

    The toilets are over there , dear

  22. 厕所在房子后面。

    The privy 's out the back .

  23. 弗雷德从不使用公共厕所。

    Fred never uses public toilets .

  24. 最近的厕所在西街。

    The nearest public conveniences are in West Street .

  25. 附近有女厕所吗?

    Is there a Ladies near here ?

  26. 厕所在哪里?

    Where is the W.C. ?

  27. 他上厕所去了。

    He went to the water closet .

  28. 她冲洗了厕所。

    She gave the toilet a flush .

  29. 那里没有公共厕所。

    There isn 't public convenience there .

  30. 接着传来一阵哮喘患者的咳嗽声和厕所里的冲水声。

    A split-second later there was an asthmatic cough and the sound of a toilet flushing .