
hòu jiǎo xì bāo
  • collenchyma cell
  1. 乙烯利、多效哩处理抑制了茎叶组织结构中的厚角细胞和厚壁细胞的发生与发育,但促进了狗牙根茎维管组织的发育;

    The ethephon and paclobutrazol treatments repressed growth of the epidermal sclerenchyma cells .

  2. 厚角组织细胞尤其在细胞的各个角上具有厚壁。

    Collenchyma cells have thick walls that are especially developed at the corners of the cell .

  3. 中果皮外方为3-4(5)层厚角组织细胞,这些细胞通常含有单宁;

    The outer part of mesocarp is composed of 3 - 4 ( 5 ) layers of collenchyma cells which always contain tannin , and the inner part are parenchyma cells , tannin cells as well as eight collateral vascular bundles .

  4. 皮层由7~10层细胞构成,最外侧有1~3层厚角组织,细胞排列紧密,其内含叶绿体。

    The cortex is consisted by 7 ~ 10 layers of cells , and its outer cells are collenchyma , containing chloroplast .