
  • 网络Primary dysmenorrhea;primary dysmenorrhoea
  1. 尼美舒利是一种非甾体抗炎药,用于治疗急性疼痛、痛性骨关节炎及原发性痛经。

    Nimesulide is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ( NSAID ) that has been used to treat acute pain , painful osteoarthritis and primary dysmenorrhoea .

  2. 青春期原发性痛经与情绪、个性关系的研究

    The study of personality and emotion of teenagers with primary dysmenorrhea

  3. 舒经玫瑰胶囊对小鼠原发性痛经MDA、Ca~(2+)的影响

    Experimental Study of MDA and Ca ~ ( 2 + ) Level by Red Rose Capsule for Releasing the Dysmenorrhea on Primary Dysmenorrhea in Mice

  4. 科技日报(2010,8.11)&原发性痛经(PDM),或经期痉挛,是妇女在生孩子前最常见的妇科症状。

    ScienceDaily ( Aug.11,2010 ) & Primary dysmenorrhea ( PDM ), or menstrual cramps , is the most common gynecological disorder in women of childbearing age .

  5. 本文综述了前列腺素F2α(PGF2α)及其受体系统在原发性痛经发病机制中地位和作用;

    The paper tells that prostaglandin F2 α( PGF2 α) and its receptors system play a role in the pathogenesis of primary dysmenorrhea .

  6. 温和灸组与阳性药物对照组,两组大鼠子宫组织Ca2+含量比较差异不显著(P0.05)。结论:1.经由扭体实验观察说明本次实验成功复制原发性痛经大鼠模型。

    Mild moxibustion group and positive drug group , two groups of rats uterine tissue Ca2 + content difference was not significant ( P0.05 ) . Conclusion : 1 . through the writhing test indicates that this experiment successfully mould . 2 .

  7. 许多证据表明,子宫合成与释放前列腺素(prostaglandins,PG)增加,是原发性痛经的重要治病因素,经测定痛经患者子宫内膜前列腺素较正常妇女明显升高。

    Many evidences show that the increased synthesis and secretion of prostaglandin are important causes of primary dysmenorrhea , and those who suffered from the disease do have a markedly higher level of prostaglandin in endometrium than average woman .

  8. 原发性痛经与考试焦虑综合征相关性研究

    The study of the relevance of primary dysmenorrhea and test-caused anxiety

  9. 隔物灸治疗原发性痛经寒湿凝滞型的临床观察

    Indirect moxibustion in treatment of primary dysmenorrhea of cold-damp coagulation type

  10. 目的:研究原发性痛经的中医证候分布及其特点。

    We studied the TCM syndrome distributions and characteristics of dysmenorrhea .

  11. 心理因素对女大学生原发性痛经的影响

    Effect of Mental Factors on Primary Dysmenorrhea in Female University Students

  12. 心理干预配合温经汤治疗原发性痛经的疗效观察

    Observation of Efficacy of Psycho-Intervention and Warming-Meridian Decoction on Primary Dysmenorrhea

  13. 推拿治疗血瘀型原发性痛经56例

    Massage for Primary Dysmenorrhea of Blood Stasis Syndrome in 56 Cases

  14. 结果原发性痛经的发生率为3155%。

    Results : The morbidity of primary dysmenorrhea was 31.55 % .

  15. 隔姜灸关元治疗原发性痛经疗效观察

    Effect of the Ginger-partitioned Moxibustion on Guanyuan for Primary Dysmenorrhea

  16. [结论]原发性痛经是盆腔子宫内膜异位症可能的危险因素,积极有效地防治原发性痛经有助于预防内异症的发生。

    [ Conclusion ] Primary dysmenorrhea was the risk factor of endometriosis .

  17. 硝苯地平治疗原发性痛经临床观察

    A clinical observation of the primary dysmenorrhea cured with nifedipine

  18. 现代医学将其分为原发性痛经和继发性痛经。

    Modern medicine has been divided into primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea .

  19. 运动员原发性痛经体质调查及相关因素分析

    The Physical Investigation and Analysis of Relevant Factors of Primary Dysmenorrhea Athletes

  20. 原发性痛经发病机制与治疗新进展

    The Pathogenesis and New Progress of Therapy on Primary Dysmenorrhea

  21. 乌鸡白凤丸治疗原发性痛经的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Wuji Baifeng Wan Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea

  22. 结论:砭石疗法治疗原发性痛经安全简便,效果良好。

    Conclusion Stone needle therapy is a safe and effective for primary dysmenorrhea .

  23. 砭石疗法治疗原发性痛经21例疗效观察

    Stone needle therapy for 21 cases of primary dysmenorrhea

  24. 止痛带治疗原发性痛经(气滞血瘀型)90例疗效观察

    Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea by Zhitongdai : A Clinical Observation of 90 Cases

  25. 针刺配合穴位贴敷治疗原发性痛经疗效观察

    Observations on the Efficacy of Acupuncture Plus Point Application in Treating Primary Dysmenorrheal

  26. 星状神经节阻滞治疗原发性痛经的临床对照研究

    Clinical Control Study on the Stellate Ganglion Block in Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrheal

  27. 原发性痛经离体器官模型和细胞模型的建立及应用

    Establishment and Application of Primary Dysmenorrhea Organ Model and Cell Model in Vitro

  28. 为了进一步评估绿在原发性痛经的治疗效果。

    To further evaluate the efficacy of GF in treatment of primary dysmenorrhea .

  29. 中西医结合治疗原发性痛经210例

    210 Cases of Primary Dysmenorrhea Treaed by Integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine

  30. 探讨原发性痛经疼痛的机理以更好地指导治疗用药。

    To explore the mechanism of primary dysmenorrhea .