
  • 网络original shareholders
  1. 从长期看,股权分置改革能使投资股东和原始股东的收益函数趋于一致,有助于实现整体收益的最大化。

    In the long run , Equity Division Reform will enable investment shareholders and original shareholders to have consistent return functions , contributing to the overall revenue maximization .

  2. 原始股东持股比例对IPO价值影响的实证分析

    The Effect of Proportion of Ownership Right Retained by Initial Shareholders on the IPO Value

  3. 本文从IPO发行定价中利益相关者的利益均衡角度出发分析了IPO定价,其中利益相关者设定为在IPO发行定价中有着利益关系的IPO公司原始股东、外部投资者以及IPO公司管理层。

    From the point of view of the balance of stakeholders ' interests , this paper studies IPO pricing and built a model of IPO pricing to describe stakeholders ' claims for maximum benefits .