
  • 网络siberian musk deer;Moschus moschiferus;Moschus moschiferus Linnaeus
  1. 食物因子为原麝夏季生境选择的首要影响因子。

    Food factor is the chief factor in summer .

  2. 采用粪便显微组织学分析技术分析原麝冬季采食植物的种类组成和比例,并测定了主要取食的9种木本植物及苔藓和蕨类植物的营养成分。

    Nutrient content of 9 species of woody plant , moss , fern , and lichen was analyzed .

  3. 庞泉沟自然保护区原麝的生态研究对原麝利用样方和非利用样方进行比较,发现原麝生境具有海拔高、郁闭度小、食物丰富和坡度陡等特征。

    Compared with random plots , used sites were characterized by higher elevation , smaller canopy , better food abundance and steepest slope .

  4. 根据载荷系数绝对值大小将原麝夏季生境选择影响因子分别命名为食物因子、植被因子、干扰因子、隐蔽度因子、地理因子和倒木因子。

    According to absolute value of coefficient , the 6 components were classified separately as food factor , vegetation factor , disturbance factor , sheltering class factor , geography factor and fallen logs factor .

  5. 2004年8~9月,在通河县龙口林场采用样线样方法对原麝夏季生境的选择进行了研究。

    Summer habitat selection by Siberian musk deer ( Moschus moschiferus ) was studied with transect line methods in the Lesser Khingan Mountains from August to September of 2004 . Fifty-five sites used by musk deer were measured .