
  • 网络Xiamen;xiamen island;AMOY ISLAND
  1. 文章阐述了厦门岛东海岸区开发规划的战略环境评价(SEA)的基本原则与方法。

    This paper expound the basic principles and method of SEA on the developing planning of eastern coastal zone of Xiamen Island .

  2. 尝试用旅行费用法(TCM)对厦门岛东部海岸的旅游娱乐价值进行评估。

    This paper intends to evaluate the value of tourist recreation along the eastern coast of Xiamen Island by means of Travel Cost Method ( TCM ) .

  3. 借助于SPSS软件进行数据处理,拟合得出全国各地游客对厦门岛东部海岸的旅游娱乐需求曲线,并计算出总消费者剩余。

    With the aid of SPSS software , a demanding curve on tourist recreation along the eastern coast of Xiamen Island was matched and the total consumer surplus was calculated .

  4. 以海岸带可持续发展为目标的SEA应遵循与战略决策过程紧密结合、综合、多元评价标准及公众参与4个基本原则进行厦门岛东部海岸发展规划的战略环境评价案例研究。

    Four basic principles should be followed for developing the SEA in coastal zone , including close integration with decision-making , comprehension , multiple assessment criterion and public participation . These should be applied for assessing the planning of east coastal zone of Xiamen .

  5. 最近调查发现,厦门岛东南海岸剖面出露了三段长总计约15m、厚度0.4m的古贝壳层。

    It was found in once investigation that there is a shell bed with the total length of 15m and thickness of 0.4m on the southeast beach of Xiamen Island .

  6. 乡土树种在厦门岛山体林相改造中的价值

    Values of Native Tree Species in Forest Form Improvement of Xiamen

  7. 厦门岛东北岸海岸风沙运动观测研究

    Observation and research of coastal aeolian in Northeast of Xiamen Island

  8. 厦门岛西海岸低地城市土壤盐分特征

    Properties of Salt of the Urban Soil from Western Coast of Xiamen

  9. 厦门岛城市园林植物利用现状与发展策略

    The Current Utilization and Countermeasures of Urban Garden Plants in Xiamen Island

  10. 厦门岛市区机动车流的航空遥感监测

    Aerial remote sensing monitoring in vehicle flow of Xiamen Island

  11. 厦门岛陆地蜗牛自然感染吸虫幼虫期种类的调查研究

    A Survey of Land Snails for Larval Trematode Infections in Xiamen Island

  12. 环厦门岛水域悬浮物的遥感监测研究

    Remote sensing studies of suspended sediments in water area surrounding Xiamen Island

  13. 厦门岛东北部海滩回填重塑研究

    Study on beach filling and reconstruction on northeast coast of Xiamen Island

  14. 厦门岛地下水中营养盐含量及氯含量指标的确定

    Nutrition Content and Indicator Value of Chlorion for Groundwater in Xiamen Island

  15. 厦门岛土地利用变化趋势预测

    Tendencies of Land Use / Cover Change of Xiamen Island

  16. 厦门岛东南海滩自由生活海洋线虫一新种

    One new species of free-living marine nematodes from southeastern beach of Xiamen Island

  17. 利用分层分类法进行厦门岛城市地表分类研究

    Study on Urban Land Classification of Xiamen Island Based on Hierarchical Classification Method

  18. 厦门岛南岸地下水的氢氧同位素的示踪研究

    The study of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of coastal groundwater in Xiamen Island

  19. 厦门岛东部海岸旅游娱乐价值的评估

    Research on the Value of Tourist-Recreation along the Eastern Coast of Xiamen Island

  20. 厦门岛城市林业发展概况及优势树种选择

    Development of Urban Forestry and Selection of Dominant Tree Species in Xiamen Island

  21. 厦门岛东南海岸贝壳层与风沙的研究

    Studies on shell bed and aeolian sands in Southeast coast of Xiamen Island

  22. 厦门岛东南部海岸演变与泥沙输移

    Coast evolution and sand transportation in east-southern Xiamen Island

  23. 雨洪管理的低影响开发策略研究及在厦门岛实施的可行性分析

    The Effectiveness and Feasibility Analysis of Low Impact Development Stormwater Management in Xiamen Island

  24. 厦门岛地壳稳定性基本特征

    Basic Characteristics of Crust Stability in Xiamen Island

  25. 厦门岛海滩海洋线虫数量及其种类分布的初步研究

    Studies on the Abundance and Species Distribution of Free-living Marine Nematodes in Sandbeach , Xiamen Island

  26. 厦门岛海滩剖面对9914号台风大浪波动力的快速响应

    A rapid response to 9914 typhoon-induced storm wave force made by the beach profiles of Xiamen Island

  27. 厦门岛东南岸沙滩近期剖面变化研究

    A study on recent changes of beach profiles along southeast shore of Xiamen island , Fujian province , China

  28. 不同交通干道周边景观格局的分析与比较&以厦门岛为例

    Analysis and comparison of landscape patterns in the surroundings of different traffic lines & xiamen island as an example

  29. 厦门岛晚第四纪沉积层的划分与海平面变化的关系

    Subdivision of the late Quaternary sedimentary layer in Xiamen Island and its relationship with the variation of sea level

  30. 厦门岛东海岸沙滩底栖甲藻的种类组成及优势种的季节变化

    Species composition of benthic dinoflagellate and the seasonal variations of dominant species in the east coastal beach of Xiamen Island