
qù néng
  • de-energizing;deenergize
去能[qù néng]
  1. 本文主要对获能精子的超激活运动、顶体反应、去能因子及呼吸能变化等鉴定方法进行了综述。

    The appraisal methods for the hyperactivation of capacitating sperms , acrosome reaction , decapacitation factor , and respiration energy changes were reviewed in the article .

  2. 你去能重获的本来是与生俱来的勇气、信任和信念,意识到这一点,虽然年轻思想的幻灭无法改变,但是可以被克服。

    You can regain the courage , trust and faith that are your birthright , by recognizing that , although youthful disillusionment can 't be changed , it can be overcome .

  3. 她顺着公路一直望去,能看到远处的那座城镇。

    She could see clear down the highway into the town .

  4. 如果他有什么想法的话,他知道去哪儿能找到我。

    If he 's got something on his mind he knows where to find me

  5. 去看看能不能找到卡洛夫,告诉他要吃晚饭了。

    See if you can find Karlov and tell him we are ready for dinner

  6. 我不到你家里去,能到哪里去呢?

    Where should I go , if not to your house ?

  7. 你妹妹早就从这个市镇搬走了,时隔多年了我不知道你去哪儿能找到她。

    I don 't know where you 'll find your sister after all these years , she moved away from the town a long time ago .

  8. 同步记录MAP和TAP显示:证明MAP和TAP的去极相能指示兴奋到达该处细胞的确切时间。

    Simultaneously recording TAP and MAP showed that depolarization phase of the TAP and MAP indicated the exact time of the arrival of the excitation wave at the cell .

  9. 结论:补锌去铁能增强中药抗DHBV的作用。

    Conclusion : Zine supplement and deferrum can enhance the effect of TCM against DHBV .

  10. 结论:6-OHDA诱导去DA能神经元支配大鼠PD模型纹状体内多种分子发生了变化,提示该部位可能发生了一系列的级联反应,参与DA神经元变性死亡的过程。

    Conclusion : Complicated molecular events generated in striatum following 6-OHDA damage , which revealed that a seried reactions involve in degeneration and die of DA neuron .

  11. 我想和你一起去看看能发现什么。

    I 'm going to go with you to find out .

  12. 我想你去操场能找到他。

    You can find him on the playground , I think .

  13. 去看看能不能手动收回来。

    Go and see if you can lift it manually .

  14. 去把能找到的人都集合起来。

    Go and muster all the men you can find .

  15. 我都不知道去哪能弄到一把刀。

    I don 't even know where I 'd get a knife .

  16. 我要知道他去哪里能弄到

    I want to know where he 'd get it .

  17. 我们会找到凶手的…我知道去哪能儿查.

    We 'll find the killer ... And I know where to look .

  18. 我会去看看能做什么,但不能给予任何承诺。

    I 'll see what I can do but I can 't promise anything .

  19. 但我希望你在决定去之前能和我商量一下。

    But I wish you had discussed it with me before making that decision .

  20. 我去看看能不能找他来跟你谈谈。

    Let me see if I can 't get him to talk to you .

  21. 她怪罪设计师不去制作能让一般女性穿得下的衣服。

    She blames designers for not making clothes big enough for the average woman .

  22. 我们去哪儿能像这样谈谈?

    Are we getting anywhere talking like this ?

  23. 答:嗯,我的确认为自己有足够的智慧去挑选能赚钱的股票。

    A : Well , I actually think I 'm smart enough to pick winners .

  24. 在晚上这个时候去哪能给我的收音机找到电池呀?

    Where can I find a battery for my radio at this time of night .

  25. 是敢于冒风险去追求能给你带来喜悦的事业;

    It is taking the risk to pursue the career that will bring you joy .

  26. 我知道去哪能儿查。

    And I know where to look .

  27. 从小型飞机的舱口向下望去居然能看到云彩。

    You 're actually looking down at the clouds from the door of the tiny plane .

  28. 你喜欢并且会去寻找能给你的生活带来有趣经验的人际关系。

    You enjoy , and seek out , relationships that bring interesting experiences into your life .

  29. 去哪儿能看到?

    Where can I see them ?

  30. 如果我们弃我们的朋友而去,能改变些什么吗?

    If we wash our hands of all our friends , what change can really come ?