
cān zhènɡ quán
  • suffrage;political right;right to participate in government and political affairs
  1. 美国于1920年给妇女以参政权。

    The United States granted the franchise to women in 1920 .

  2. 在同胞们把参政权授予我之前,

    Before the suffrages of my countrymen were condferred upon me I submitted to them ,

  3. 读者作为图书馆的真正主人拥有“参政权”。

    Readers realize the value of library , they have the right to participate in the political affairs .

  4. 在同胞们把参政权授予我之前,我已经非常准确地向他们提供了我关于这中间所有最显要的问题的观点。

    Before the suffrages of my countrymen were conferred upon me I submitted to them , with great precision , my opinions on all the most prominent of these subjects .