
  • 【机】[optical] paramet ric oscillator 利用光学参量放大原理建立激光振荡的激光器。该激光器有两个频率的激光输出的,称双谐振荡器;只有一个频率的激光输出的,称单谐振荡器。
  1. 光参量振荡器在CARS测温技术中的应用

    A New CARS Thermometry Using an Optical Parametric Oscillator

  2. 被动调Q人眼安全内腔光学参量振荡器

    Passively Q-switched Laser with Intracavity Optical Parametric Oscillator for Eye-safe-output

  3. 57μm被动调Q光学参量振荡器

    1.57 μ m Passive Q-switched intracavity optical parametric oscillator

  4. β-BaBO2O4光参量振荡器

    β - BaB_2O_4 optical parametric oscillator

  5. 全固态调Q、双调Q激光泵浦的内腔光参量振荡器特性的研究谐振式光纤陀螺环形谐振腔的偏振问题

    All-solid-state Singly and Doubly Q-switched , Laser-diode-pumped Intracavity Optical Parametric Oscillators ; Polarization-Fluctuation in Resonator of Resonator Fiber-Optic Gyro

  6. YAG激光器泵浦钛宝石激光器和光学参量振荡器

    Q & Switch Nd : YAG Laser Pumped Ti : Sapphire Laser and Optical Parametric Tunable Laser

  7. (Paperinpreparing)4.利用运转于阈值以上的非简并光学参量振荡器,制备了强度高达22row的频率非简并纠缠态光场。

    ( Paper in preparing ) 4 . The frequency-nondegenerate entangled beams with total intensity of 22 mW were produced from a nondegenerate optical parametric oscillator operating above threshold .

  8. KTP光学参量振荡器输出激光的空间模式和光束质量

    Study of the Spatial Beam Quality of KTP Optical Parametric Oscillator

  9. 纳秒近红外KTP光学参量振荡器的理论设计

    Theoretical design of nanosecond near infrared KTP optical parametric oscillator

  10. 1.57μm非临界相位匹配KTP参量振荡器

    1.57 μ m Noncritical Phase Matching KTP Optical Parametric Oscillator

  11. 红宝石相位共轭激光器泵浦的KTP光学参量振荡器

    KTP Optical Parametric Oscillator Pumped by Phase Conjugate Ruby Lasers

  12. 对调Q激光器泵浦的光学参量振荡器(OPO)的计算机模拟

    Computer Simulation of Optical Parametric Oscillator ( OPO ) Pumped by Q - - switched Lasers

  13. 具有热补偿的内腔KTP光参量振荡器

    Intra-Cavity KTP Optical Parametric Oscillator With the Thermal Compensation

  14. 利用KTP光学参量振荡器获得可调谐人眼安全激光

    Tunable Eye-safe Laser Based on KTP Optical Parametric Oscillator

  15. 宽波段温度调谐MgO∶LiNbO3光学参量振荡器

    Wide Range Temperature Tunable MgO ∶ LiNbO_3 Optical Parametric Oscillator

  16. 角调谐飞秒同步泵浦KTP红外光参量振荡器

    Angular Tuning fs Synchronously Pumped KTP IR OPO

  17. 种籽光注入非谐振KTP光参量振荡器

    Non-resonant KTP Optical Parametric Oscillator with Injection Seeding

  18. 信号光脉冲比抽运光窄12倍的内腔式KTP光参量振荡器

    Intracavity KTP Optical Parametric Oscillator with Signal Pulse Shorter 12 Times than Pump Pulse

  19. 用短谐振腔结构优化THz电磁波参量振荡器的输出特性

    Optimize the output performance by shortening the cavity length of the THz electromagnetic wave parametric oscillator

  20. 报导了利用Tm,Ho:GdVO4激光器抽运双谐振ZnGeP2光参量振荡器实验研究。

    A doubly resonant ZnGeP_2 ( ZGP ) optical parametric oscillator pumped by a Tm , Ho : GdVO_4 laser is investigated .

  21. 近红外KTP单共振光参量振荡器

    Near IR KTP single-resonant optical parametric oscillator

  22. 非共线泵浦的KTP光参量振荡器

    KTP Optical Parametric Oscillator with Noncollinear Pump

  23. KTP单共振光学参量振荡器

    KTP singly resonant optical parametric oscillator

  24. 双轴晶体KTP光参量振荡器

    Biaxial crystal KTP optical parametric oscillator

  25. 可调谐钛宝石激光抽运的KTP单谐振光学参量振荡器的研究

    Study of KTP Singly Resonant Optical Parametric Oscillator Pumped by Pulsed Tunable Ti ∶ Sapphire Lasers

  26. 对非共线泵浦KTP光学参量振荡器的相位匹配过程进行了理论分析和实验研究。

    KTP Optical Parametric Oscillator with Noncollinear Pump The phasematching condition in noncollinear pump OPO is analyzed .

  27. 3-5μm激光干扰参量振荡器中SLT晶体的极化技术的研究

    The Study of SLT Crystal Poling Technology in 3-5 μ m Laser Jamming OPO

  28. 高效率LiB3O5光参量振荡器

    Efficient LiB_3O_5 optical parametric oscillator

  29. 宽调谐高效率的BBO光参量振荡器

    Broad tunable BBO optical parametric oscillator with high conversion efficiency

  30. 光参量振荡器(OPO)在主动红外化学毒剂遥测中的研究进展

    The Advances in Researching of Optical Parametric Oscillators with Application to Remote Active Infrared Chemical Sensing