
shuānɡ cénɡ chuánɡ
  • bunk bed;double-decker;bunk
  1. 来客要么紧贴着门站着这也是屋里唯一没有使用的空间要么(像我一样)挨着谭建威坐在双层床的下铺。

    Guests can either stand just inside the doorway in the only vacant space , or ( as I did ) sit beside Mr Tam on the lower bunk bed .

  2. 大约午夜,我渐渐离开,在船舱里的双层床上休息。

    Around midnight , I drift off on a bunk bed inside the cabin .

  3. 船上有许多双层床。

    There are many bunk beds in the ship .

  4. 冰岛一家新闻网站在YouTube上推出了一档直播“真人秀”节目,主角是4只9周大的小猫咪。它们居住的玩具屋里摆放着双层床、玩具,当然还有摄像头。

    An Icelandic news website has released a live , reality-style YouTube show featuring four , nine-week-old kittens living in a dollhouse stocked with bunk beds , toys and of course cameras .

  5. 采用双室双层床降低酸碱耗

    Reducing Acid - alkali Consumption With Double Cabins & . Beds

  6. 我们以前睡在一起在大学里的时候双层床

    We used to sleep together . Bunk beds ! College .

  7. 我们就可以买个双层床,聊个通宵了。

    We could have bunk beds and stay up all night talking .

  8. 立式双层床径向流吸附器的研制

    Development of a vertical dual bed radial flow adsorber

  9. 人体尺度在产品设计中的应用&以双层床的设计为例

    Application of anthropometric dimensions in product design & Taking two-layer bed as example

  10. 双层床对孩子们很有用。

    Bunk beds are useful for children .

  11. 我们本来可以买张双层床的。

    We could have bought bunk beds .

  12. 列车员:每个包房有两张带软垫的双层床,有书桌和台灯。

    Each compartment has two cushioned bunk beds and a desk with a reading lamp on it .

  13. 不过他家里不如朱云翠和尹华军布置得舒适,没有沙发,只稀疏摆着一张桌子和角落里的双层床。

    It is sparsely furnished , with a desk but no sofa and bunk beds in the corner .

  14. 根据胶辊的存储空间,低地板床或双层床将在很大程度上节省空间。

    Cots with storage space under , low floor beds or bunk beds would to a great extent save space .

  15. 可是有时加州监狱在押犯人数量是这个的两倍之多,囚犯就蜗居在体育馆的双层床上。

    But California 's prisons have at times housed twice as many , with inmates stacked in bunk beds in gymnasiums .

  16. 如使用双层床,上铺床垫下的弹簧床绷下方应垫上一层防灰尘的底板。

    When one berth is placed over another , a dust-proof bottom should be fitted beneath the bottom mattress of spring bottom of the upper berth .

  17. 由活性氧化铝和分子筛吸附剂组成的双层床吸附器是深冷法空气分离设备中实现原料空气净化的重要设备。

    Dual-bed adsorber consisting of activated alumina and molecular sieve is one of the most important equipment used in cryogenic air separation unit for feed air prepurification .

  18. 萨达姆被行刑后第二天,德克萨斯州一10岁男孩看过新闻后在双层床中上吊致死。

    A day after Saddam 's execution , a 10-year-old boy in Texas hanged himself from a bunk bed ( 8 ) after watching a news report on the execution .

  19. 滚轴与橡胶垫隔震结构模型震动台试验研究列车员:每个包房有两张带软垫的双层床,有书桌和台灯。

    Experimental study on shaking table of model building with rollers and lead rubber bearing Each compartment has two cushioned bunk beds and a desk with a reading lamp on it .

  20. 儿女们说,父母是在青少年时期就认识,自那以后就从未分开。有回他们坐渡轮,两人宁可一起挤在双层床的下铺,也不愿分开睡。

    The couple 's children say the two met as teenagers and had been inseparable since then , once sharing the bottom of a bunk bed on a ferry rather than sleeping one night apart .

  21. 2005年,《华尔街日报》曾获得难得的机会,参观了该监狱,狱警让记者参观了一个囚室,里面有四张双层床,住着八个犯人,旁边连着一个很小的盥洗室。

    In a rare 2005 visit to the facility by The Wall Street Journal , the warden offered a visit to one cell , which housed eight prisoners on four bunk beds and was connected to a small washroom .

  22. 海萍每次路过二楼上三楼的时候,都喜欢,或者潜意识里很满足地朝那间和自己家面积一样大的10平方米小屋望进去,看看那张双层床和斜靠在门边的行军折叠床。

    Every time when Haiping goes upstairs to her room , she would like to , or subconsciously , look at the house as small as her contentedly . In the house , there are a two-floor bed and a tent bed which can be folded lean against the door .

  23. 双室双层浮动床脱盐水工艺的应用

    Application of saline removal process with " two-room-two-layer " floating bed

  24. 单元制双室双层浮动床工艺在化学水处理中的应用

    Application of " Two-room-two-layer " Floating Bed in Chemical Water Treatment Process

  25. 单元制双室双层浮动床的应用原理和特点分析

    Application principle of two-room-two-layer floating bed and characteristics analysis

  26. 在他的卧室里有两张双层单人床。

    There are two bunks in his bedroom .

  27. 在实验室条件下,采用双层滤纸床进行发芽试验较好。

    The double filter paper bed was preferable considering the experimentation effect in laboratory .

  28. 双层滤料床过滤除尘试验研究

    Experimental Study on a Dual-Medium Granular Bed Filter

  29. 双室双层浮动床离子交换器的改造

    Exchanger with Double Chambers and Double Layers

  30. 活性炭石英砂双层深床滤料浮滤池处理高藻水源水的研究

    Treating of Algae-Laden Raw Water with GAC-Sand Dual Media Deep Bed Dissolved Air Flotation / Filtration