
  • 网络Bipolar Disorder;bipolar affective disorder;BPD
  1. 那些诊断为精神分裂症、分裂情感障碍或双相情感障碍的人和那些大脑控制功能正常的人有什么区别?”

    as compared with the brains of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia , schizoaffective or bipolar disorder ? "

  2. 它发现,这些有最佳表现的学生群在今后的人生中会患双相情感障碍症的比率是常人的四倍。

    It found that amongst those students in the highest performing group , bipolar disorder was four times more likely to develop later in life .

  3. 这种联系对于抑郁症尤其重要,但是论文也发现了一些关于儿童多动症、精神分裂症和双相情感障碍的证据。

    The link is especially strong for depression , but papers have found some support for this connection with ADHD , schizophrenia , and bipolar disorder8 as well .

  4. 双相情感障碍组的阳性检出率(21.1%)明显高于健康对照组(P<0.05)。

    The positive rate in bipolar disorders ( 21.1 % ) is significantly higher than in donors ( P 0.05 ) .

  5. 方法应用家庭亲密度与适应性量表(FACESⅡ-CV)作为调查工具,对51名双相情感障碍患者的家庭功能作调查,并与50名非精神病人做正常对照。

    Method : 51 bipolar affective disorder patients were measured with family adaptability and cohesion scale ( FACES I - CV ) to investigate family function , were comparing with 50 control subjects .

  6. 2018年,溪子大三时,被诊断患有双相情感障碍(BD)和抑郁症。

    In 2018 , as a junior college student , she was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder ( BD ) and depression .

  7. 主导该项研究的亚历山大·尼古列斯库博士发现,脂肪酸中含有DHA有这样一种功效,摄入DHA之后,小白鼠的双相情感障碍的症状得以“正常化”。

    Lead author Dr Alexander Niculescu found that the fatty acid DHA , which is the main ingredient of fish oil , 'normalised'behaviour of mice with the condition .

  8. 来自印度医科大学的科学家们在一项研究关于鱼油是否有益于双相情感障碍的试验中,意外发现了omega-3脂肪酸控制酒精依赖的功效。

    Scientists from the Indian University School of Medicine made the discovery by chance when studying whether fish oil had any benefit for bipolar disorder .

  9. 据WebMD报道,双相情感障碍会导致某些人做逼真离奇的梦。

    Bipolar disorder is known to cause vivid or bizarre dreams in some people , according to WebMD .

  10. 结论DRD3基因多态性与双相情感障碍有关联,且与DRD2有协同作用。

    Conclusions Polymorphism of DRD3 gene is significantly associated with bipolar affective disorder and cooperate with DRD2 .

  11. 方法35例单相抑郁发作或双相情感障碍抑郁发作伴有明显失眠者,汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)得分≥24分完成4周治疗。

    Method 35 cases with single episode of depression or depressive phase of bipolar affective disorder accompanied by apparent insomnia and Hamilton depression scale ( HAMD ) score ≥ 24 accepted four - week treatment with trazodone .

  12. 目的:探讨与氯丙嗪对精神分裂症疗效有关的D2受体基因的基因型以及其它相关的因素。双相情感障碍与DRD3、DRD2和COMT基因多态性的关联分析

    Objective : To investigate the relationship between the responses to chlorpromazine for schizophrenic patients and the D 2 receptor gene and the other related factors . Association study of dopamine D3 , D2 receptor gene and COMT gene polymorphism with bipolar affective disorder

  13. 10省市双相情感障碍患者药物治疗的现况调查

    A cross-sectional study on medication treatment patterns of bipolar disorder in China

  14. 双相情感障碍神经内分泌功能对照研究

    A Controlled study of neuroendocrine functions of bipolar affective disorder

  15. 双相情感障碍及治疗新进展

    The New Progresses of The Bipolar Affective Disorder and Treatment

  16. 双相情感障碍混合相临床特征对照研究

    Control study of clinical characteristics in mixed phase of bipolar affective disorder

  17. 双相情感障碍患者家庭亲密度与适应性的调查

    Investigation of family cohesion and adaptability in bipolar affective disorder

  18. 我们刚刚把一个双相情感障碍的离婚妇女给滚到硬木地板上去了,还是脸先落地。

    We just rolled a bipolar divorcee face-first onto a hardwood floor .

  19. 方法对52例高发双相情感障碍的家系进行比较分析。

    Method Fifty-two families with high rate of bipolar affective disorders were analyzed .

  20. 多巴胺转运体基因与双相情感障碍

    Dopamine transporter 1 gene and bipolar affective disorders

  21. 还有一个强有力的证据显示,双相情感障碍是继承了家庭。

    There is also a strong evidence that bipolar disorder is inherited within families .

  22. 双相情感障碍脑电地形图研究

    A study of brain electrical activity mapping in 51 patients With bipolar affective psychosis

  23. 目的了解双相情感障碍患者的家庭功能状况。

    Objectives : To study the family function condition of the bipolar affective disorder patients .

  24. 目的:了解双相情感障碍混合相的临床特征。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical characteristics in mixed phase of bipolar affective disorder .

  25. 她患有双相情感障碍,当时叫做躁郁症

    She had bipolar illness , or manic depression , as it was then known .

  26. 由于双相情感障碍是一项经常性的疾病,长期的预防性治疗是强烈建议。

    Because bipolar disorder is a recurrent illness , long-term preventive treatment is strongly recommended .

  27. 另外一种疾病叫做双相情感障碍,又叫做躁郁症。

    Another common mental illness is called Bipolar disorder , also known as manic-depressive disorder .

  28. 喹硫平和阿立哌唑治疗双相情感障碍抑郁发作的疗效及安全性临床试验研究

    Clinical trial of efficacy and safety of quetiapine and aripiprazole in the treatment of bipolar depression

  29. 目的探讨碳酸锂联用拉莫三嗪对双相情感障碍快速循环型的疗效。

    Objective To investigate the efficacy of lamotrigine combined with lithium carbonate in rapid cycling bipolar disorder .

  30. 双相情感障碍患者及其健康同胞威斯康星卡片分类测验的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Wisconsin Card Sorting Test in Patients with Bipolar Disorders and Their Unaffected Siblings