
  • 网络Double distilled water;DDW
  1. 大豆磷脂酰胆碱组大鼠给予大豆磷脂酰胆碱500mg/(kg·d),溶于50mL双蒸水灌胃,1次/d。

    Rats in the SB-pc group received gastric perfusion of 500 mg / ( kg · d ) phosphatidylcholine dissolved in the double distilled water once a day .

  2. 冻干粉剂为白色疏松粉末,无塌陷或萎缩现象,加双蒸水后为白色乳状溶液,再分散性良好。

    The freeze drying powder was pure white with good disparity ( without collapse or atrophy ) . After adding with double distilled water it was white emulsus solution with good redispersibility .

  3. 把溶于双蒸水的脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)铺展在金膜上,再覆盖一薄层50%甘油水溶液。

    DNA dissolved in double-distilled water were deposited onto gold surface and covered with 50 % glycerol-water solution .

  4. 与双蒸水相比,其电导率、密度、pH值等物理性质有显著不同。

    Compared with ordinary water , its conductivity , density , pH value and other physical properties are markedly different .

  5. 氢酿AR由上海凌峰化学试剂有限公司提供,灭菌双蒸水配制成原溶液。

    Hydroquinone AR from shanghai LingFeng chemical agent Ltd , prepare solution with distilled water .

  6. 模型组和正常对照组胃饲双蒸水,2mL(kg·d),1次/d,持续5周。

    The normal group and model group were drenched with distilled water , 2 mL / kg daily , once a day for 5 weeks .

  7. 目的评价温热双蒸水(45℃DDW)+生理盐水(NS)+右旋糖酐-40(Dextran-40)序贯腹腔冲洗预防腹腔内肿瘤种植转移的效果。

    Objective To evaluate the efficiency of hyperthermic distilled water combined with saline and dextran-40 as prophylaxis against intraperitoneal tumor seeding .

  8. 研究得出,采用2%的CTAB提取液和双蒸水预洗一遍并且添加样品鲜重4%的活性碳于提取液中的提取方法最佳。

    The results showed that the method ( 2 % CTAB solution , pre-wash once and 4 % of weight of fresh samples for charcoal ) was optimal .

  9. 从低熔点琼脂糖凝胶中切下目的DNA,在68℃完全熔化后用5倍体积的双蒸水稀释,该化合物即可直接用于酶解反应。

    The slice of interesting DNA was taken out from the low melting agarose gel and was completely melted at 68 ℃ . Then the melted slice was diluted with 5 volumes of distilled deionized water . The mixture could be then directly used for digesting DNA with appropriate enzyme .

  10. 结果:色谱条件以流动相用双蒸水配制,脱气30min,pH2.8~3.0,检测电压0.6V,流速0.6ml/min外标法为理想检测条件。

    RESULTS : Chromatography conditions were made with the flow phas double steam water and degassed completely , pH 2.8 ~ 3.0 , detecting voltage 0.6 V , flow speed 0.6 ml / min.

  11. 双蒸水液滴与膜表面接触角的测试结果表明,所制备F-DLC薄膜表面的最大水接触角可达1150左右。

    The hydrophobic nature of F-DLC films was studied . The result of measuring contact angle between double-stilled water and films surface shows that the maximal contact angle of films surface can be of approximately 1150 .

  12. 酶活性测定时,样品用双蒸水溶解,吸取样品溶液,与TMB和H2O2混和后于700nm处测定反应反应进程曲线,以含有等量新配制HRP的反应体系为对照,计算酶的相对活性。

    For enzymatic assay , samples were dissolved in distilled water and aliquots of solution were mixed with TMB and H2O2 . Kinetics of enzymatic reaction was recorded at 700 nm and HRP activity was calculated in respect to the kinetic curve using fresh-prepared HRP as a control . 3 .

  13. 采用躺滴法测量薄膜与双蒸水之间的接触角。

    Water contact angles were measured by sessile drop method .

  14. 通过对27例共32颗无髓变色牙使用过硼酸钠加双蒸水进行冠内漂白,经过三年的定期复查。

    Thirty-two severely discolored teeth were bleached by sodium perborate mixed with bidistilled water .

  15. 模型对照组灌胃给予同量双蒸水,连续12天。

    Model group was given for the same amount of distilled water for 12 days .

  16. 热双蒸水联用生理盐水及右旋糖酐-40预防腹腔内肿瘤种植转移的实验研究

    Experimental studies on hyperthermic distilled water combining with saline and dextran for preventing intraperitoneal cancer recurrence due to neoplasm seeding

  17. 以双蒸水和巯基乙醇作为提取液处理花粉,均未发现自交不亲和系共有的特征带。

    When the proteins of pollens were treated with ultrapure water and mercaptoethanol , no specific band was observed among the self-incompatible lines and the compatible lines .