
  • 网络dual-certificate system;double certificate system;double permit system
  1. 实行双证制,提升金华经济发展内涵

    Putting Dual-Certificate System into Practice to Promote the Dynamism of Jinhua 's Economic Development

  2. 高职院校实行双证制过程中,自身运行机制有待完善、规范,同时外部环境中存在一些影响双证制发展的深层次问题。

    In the process of implementing dual-certificate system in higher vocational schools , the running mechanism of dual-certificate system itself should be consummated and regulated .

  3. 在双证制流行的市场需求下,Z技师学院加大对实训教学的关注,进行实训楼建设。

    In the " double certificate system " popular market demand , Z technician institute strengthen the practice teaching and conduct training building construction .

  4. 构建双证制教学模式,突出技术应用能力培养

    Constructing " Double-Certificate-System " Teaching Mode , Highlighting the Cultivation of Technical Application

  5. 培养评价应是基于高技能养成的多元化评价,实施以职业资格证书为载体的双证制要求。

    Training evaluation should be diversified and based on the high skill acquisition .

  6. 包装职业教育实行双证制的必要性

    Necessity of Double Certificates Implemented in Packaging Professional Education

  7. 双证制的含义与选择

    The Meaning and Choice of Dual - Certificate System

  8. 积极推进实践教学改革有效实施双证制教育

    Active promotion of teaching reform and effective execution of " double certificate " education

  9. 高职院校在观念认识和操作层面上还存在不足;企业、社会对双证制的回应与支持还不明显等。

    Enterprises and society don 't give explicit response and support to dual-certificate system .

  10. 论基于双证制的楼宇智能化专业人才培养方案改革

    A Reform of Talents Training Program of Intelligent Building Major Based on the " Double-certificate System "

  11. 高等职业技术院校实施双证制工作的探讨山东科技职业学院国际交流与合作办学&架起通向世界的桥梁

    Exploration of Double-Certificates System in Advanced - Vocational Technology College Shandong Vocational College of Science & Technology

  12. 构建了完备的实践教学保障体系,确立了以毕业证+职业技能资格证的双证制教学模式,以突出机械专业特色。

    With the model of " diploma plus qualification certificate ", the practical teaching guarantee system has been constructed .

  13. 论基于多元需求的高职特色双证制特色人才培养模式

    The Analysis of Characteristic Talents Training Mode Aiming at Implementing the Dual-certificate System Based on Multi-demands in Higher Vocational Education

  14. 双证制”作为实现职业教育目标的机制安排,内生地具有适应这种多向度目标的特点,实施“双证制”的思路是沟通而非合一。

    As the mechanism arrangement of achieving vocational education objective , the dual-certificate system intrinsically can adapt to multi-objectives properly .

  15. 高等职业教育要有效实施双证制教育,必须积极推进实践教学改革。

    Active promotion of practical teaching reform must be made for effective execution of " double certificate " education in higher vocational education .

  16. 实施双证制教育与构建和谐社会、个体自我完善和发展、农村成校自身发展有着极为紧密的联系。

    The implementation of " dual-certificate system " has close relationship with construction of harmonious society , self-optimization and development of individuals , self-development of rural adult school .

  17. 我们认为应从加强专业建设着手,加强师资队伍建设,深化教学改革,强化双证制建设,加强就业指导,千方百计提高学生的就业率。

    We think that we should strengthen teachers improvement , deepen teaching reform , conduct double certificates system and focus on employment guidance to do our best to increase students ' employment chance .

  18. 随着电子商务在中国的发展渐趋成熟,劳动保障部推出的电子商务师职业资格考试逐渐被社会认可,并成为高校实行双证制的选择。

    With the development of e - commerce in China , e - commerce professional qualification examination is gradually accepted not only by society , but also by universities as a way of accelerating Two Certificates System .