
shuānɡ biān mào yì
  • bilateral trade;two-way trade
  1. 中美两国通过长期谈判后订立了一项双边贸易协定。

    China and the United States concluded [ entered into ] a bilateral trade agreement after long negotiations .

  2. 基于VAR模型的中澳双边贸易之经济增长效应研究

    An Empirical Study on Economic Growth Effect of Sino-Australian Bilateral Trade by VAR Model

  3. 所以在两国的双边贸易中可以说只有古巴从中受惠。

    So trade between the two nations has been something of a one-way street , with Cuba deriving the benefit .

  4. 中澳经贸等务实合作成果丰硕,利益交融不断加深。42年来,中澳双边贸易规模扩大了1500多倍。

    China and Australia have achieved fruitful results in practical business co-operation and deepened converging8 interests.Bilateral9 trade has expanded 1500-fold in the past 42 years .

  5. 商业游说团体已要求奥巴马政府和欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)在与北京方面举行的双边贸易谈判中提出这个问题。

    Business lobby groups have asked the Obama administration and the European Commission to raise the issue in bilateral trade talks with Beijing .

  6. 除了接受WTO所有的规则以外,申请国还必须和其他所有有意愿的成员国建立双边贸易关系。

    In addition to accepting all the WTO rules , a country then has to settle bilateral trade agreements with all the countries that so desire .

  7. 日本是中国最大的贸易伙伴国,中国正式加入WTO为进一步发展和扩大中日双边贸易关系提供了良机。

    Japan is the biggest trade partner of China . The formal entry into WTO provides opportunities to expand the bilateral trade relationship between the two countries .

  8. 隶属日本政府的日本贸易振兴机构(JapanExternalTradeOrganization)称,2014年中日双边贸易预计将实现三年来的首次增长。

    The Japan External Trade Organization , a government affiliated body , said that trade between the two countries is expected to grow in 2014 for the first time in three years .

  9. 渣打(StandardChartered)的研究显示,到2015年,中国每年对非洲的投资额将达到令人瞠目的500亿美元,年度双边贸易总额将达到3000亿美元。

    By 2015 , China will be investing an eye-popping $ 50bn per year in Africa and bilateral trade with the continent will be $ 300bn annually , according to research from Standard Chartered .

  10. 作为一项以服务于日益增长的韩中双边贸易为中心的区域战略的一部分,三星证券(samsungsecurities)将推进其香港业务的全面调整。

    Samsung Securities is to push ahead with an overhaul of its Hong Kong operations as part of a regional strategy centred on servicing the growing bilateral trade between South Korea and China .

  11. 对中国经济和东亚经济体经济的脉冲响应函数和方差分解的研究表明,中国GDP是多数东亚经济体GDP和双边贸易波动的主要解释因素。

    The impulse response function and variance decomposition studies on Chinese economy and East Asian economies show that Chinese GDP are the major factor to explain most East Asian countries ' GDP and trade fluctuations .

  12. 巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)和欧洲领导人昨日启动史上最大规模双边贸易协定的谈判。美国总统称,这项工作是他第二个任期的核心经济议程。

    Barack Obama and European leaders yesterday launched talks on the biggest bilateral trade deal in history , an initiative that the US president has put at the heart of his second - term economic agenda .

  13. 中国与包括马来西亚在内的东盟(ASEAN)十国达成的贸易协定于2010年1月开始实施,自那以来,中马双边贸易迅猛增长。

    Bilateral trade has been growing fast since the implementation in January 2010 of a trade deal between China and the 10 countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations , which includes Malaysia .

  14. 在环境规制的衡量方面,本文创新性的引入环境绩效指数(EPI)和建立环境保护强度指数(ERS),分别适用于单边贸易和双边贸易模型中的环境规制衡量。

    For the measurement of environmental regulation , we introduce EPI and establish ERS Index innovatively , which was used in unilateral and bilateral trade model respectively .

  15. 在这个问题上,华盛顿的标准论据表明,国会通过布什(bush)政府时期磋商的与韩国、哥伦比亚、巴拿马之间的双边贸易协议极其重要。

    At this point , the standard Washington talking points would suggest that I argue for the tremendous importance of pushing through Congress the bilateral trade deals with South Korea , Colombia and Panama negotiated by the Bush administration .

  16. 实证分析使用Johansen协整检验研究了人民币实际汇率变动对中美双边贸易额的影响。

    Empirical analysis using the Johansen Cointegration Test of the RMB real exchange rate movements on the impact of China-USA bilateral trade volume .

  17. 归功于北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)和一系列双边贸易协定,其的贸易总量比阿根廷和巴西加起来还要多,人均贸易量超过中国。

    Thanks to the North American Free-Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) and a string of bilateral deals , it trades more than Argentina and Brazil combined , and more per person than China .

  18. 美国最高贸易官员苏珊•施瓦布(SusanSchwab)上周五表示,美国与亚洲三大经济体的双边贸易谈判进展顺利。对于这些谈判似已停滞的迹象,她设法淡化。

    Bilateral US trade talks with three big Asian economies were progressing well , Susan Schwab , the top US trade official said on Friday , as she played down signs that they appeared to have stalled .

  19. 从建立CAFTA的贸易效应来看,它不仅改善了中国和东盟扩大双边贸易和投资,挖掘发展潜力,创造了更有有利的条件和更广阔的空间,同时也符合最终实现全球自由贸易的发展规律。

    On the trade effect of establishing CAFTA , it does not only improve bilateral trade and investment of China and ASEAN , dig potential development , provide more convenience and capacious room , but also is in accordance with the developing law of realizing global free trade .

  20. 双边贸易发展很快,但仍有潜力。

    Bilateral trade has developed very rapidly but still had potential .

  21. 42年来,中澳双边贸易规模扩大了1500多倍。

    Bilateral trade has expanded 1500-fold in the past 42 years .

  22. 中国与越南双边贸易发展的特点及其存在的问题

    Development Characteristics and Problems of Bilateral Trade between China and Vietnam

  23. 标准对中日双边贸易规模的影响研究

    The Impact of Standards on the Scale of Sino-Japanese Bilateral Trade

  24. 我们还和中国、越南就双边贸易进行谈判。

    We 're negotiating bilateral investment treaties with China and Vietnam .

  25. 由此可见,两国双边贸易是互利互惠的。

    Thus Sino-Australian bilateral trade is intertwined for the two countries .

  26. 双边贸易的结构、方式与规模。

    The structures , patterns and scales of the bilateral trade .

  27. 发展中国家签定的双边贸易和经济合作协定

    Bilateral Agreements on Trade and Economic Cooperation concluded by Developing Countries

  28. 中国对美国的巨额双边贸易顺差证明不了什么。

    China 's large bilateral trade surplus with America proves nothing .

  29. 晚清陕西与湖北双边贸易研究

    The trade between Hubei and Shaanxi provinces during the later Qing dynasty

  30. 加拿大与印度的双边贸易额相对还很小。

    Two-way direct foreign investment between Canada and India is relatively low .