
  • 网络bimetal;Bi-Metal;Bimetallic Strip
  1. 双金属片的国产材料选定叶片微分方程积分过程中的Vur变化规律的探讨


  2. 该方案采用F-P腔干涉机理,利用常见的法兰盘光纤连接器,以热双金属片抛光表面和插入连接器的尾纤端面构成F-P腔。

    The scheme was based upon F-P interference , the F-P cavity was composed with one polished surface of bimetal and one polished end face of optical fiber inserted in a common flange optical fiber connector .

  3. 提出了一种基于外差探测的双金属片结构光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)温度传感系统方案。

    Proposed is a double-sheet-metal structure FBG temperature sensor system based on heterodyne detection .

  4. 光纤热双金属片Fabry-Perot腔温度传感器研究

    Study on Temperature Sensor with Optical Fiber Thermal Bimetal Sheets Fabry-Perot Cavity

  5. ARM7高精度双金属片形变检测系统

    ARM7-based High-precision Deformation Detection System for Bimetallic Strip

  6. 理论和实验表明,所提出的光纤热双金属片F-P腔温度传感器具有结构简单、成本低廉、量程易扩展、实用性好等特点。

    The theory analysis and experiment results showed that the optical fiber temperature sensors with the thermal bimetal sheets F-P cavity possess many advantages : simple structure , low cost , practicable usage , and the measurement range can be extended easily .

  7. 当温度变化时,热双金属片在文中设计的结构约束条件下发生挠曲使得F-P腔腔长改变,致使传感器输出光强发生变化,从而可以实现温度测量。

    When temperature changes , the bimetal sheets confined under the structures designed in the paper will produce a thermal strain and change the F-P cavity length , the intensity output of the sensor will vary , then measuring this changement a temperature sensor could be realized .

  8. 小型断路器双金属片的选用与确认

    Selection and Confirmation for the Bimetals of the Miniature Circuit Breaker

  9. 将双金属片用等效网络表示,用网络分析手段求解温度继电器、热继电器的工作参数;

    The working characteristic of bimetal strip is expressed by equivalent network .

  10. 双金属片中剪应力及端部挠度的研究

    Research on the shearing stress and flexibility of the double sheet metal

  11. 双金属片通常都卷成螺管形。

    The bimetal strip is usually bent into a coil .

  12. 双金属片热后屈曲特性分析

    Characteristic Analysis of Thermal Post bucking of Metal Couple

  13. 碟形热双金属片曲率和温度的关系

    Curvature Temperature Relation of Thermal Bimetals with Dish Shape

  14. 图象处理技术在双金属片检测中的应用

    Applying Image Processing to Detection of Bimetallic Strip

  15. 双金属片延时继电器

    Bimetal time delay relay

  16. 采用经典层合板理论和双金属片模型分别预测了复合材料补片及铝合金板在胶接面上的残余热应力。

    Classical lamination theory and bimetallic strip model were used to predict the thermal residual stresses in the bonded surfaces .

  17. 产品介绍:双金属片蒸汽疏水阀适用于散热器、换热器、夹套锅、加热盘管、烘干机、消毒器、层压机等。

    Inroduction : TB bimetallic steam trap is suitable for radiator , heat exchanger , drier , heating pipelines and sterilizer .

  18. KI31/KSD301系列突跳式温控器是小型双金属片温控器,属温度继电器类器件。

    KI31 / KSD301 snap action thermostat is small-size bimetal thermostat series with a metal cap , which belongs to thermal relays'family .

  19. 从碟形双金属片的两块不同金属的热膨胀系数出发,设计了计算模型。

    Proceed from different heat coefficient of expansion of two different metals for thermal bimetals with dish shape , the calculation modul was given .

  20. 采用综合考虑负载作用力及温度影响的分析条形双金属片的截面力-力矩平衡法,给出了较完整系统的数学模型;

    Using the sectional force and torque balance method to consider the effects of load force and temperature , provides a more completeness and systematic mathematical model .

  21. 通过使用热双金属片进行模拟,实现了在100℃温度变化情况下30%~100%的线性应变。

    The simulations using the heating bimetal sheet show that the structure is very powerful , which can yield a linear strain between 30 % ~ 100 % at a temperature change of 100 ℃ .

  22. 介绍了采用四层金属材料组成的热双金属片的研制过程,给出了四层金属片厚度比的计算方法及四层金属片的复合工艺。

    The course of development about thermal bimetallic strip composed by four sheets of metal materials is introduced . The computation about the thickness ratio of four sheets of metallic strips and the compound technology is presented .

  23. 条形双金属片是电器及其他领域中应用最多的结构型式之一,其传统的工作特性分析方法在理论上欠系统与完整,且不便于分析其全部参数。

    Bimetal strip is one of the most common structure in the field of electrical appliance and other fields but the traditional analysis method for working characteristics is not systematic and complete and is not easy to analyze all parameters .

  24. 低膨胀组元为Fe-Cr合金的横拼双金属弹簧片

    A Laterally-Welded Bimetal Spring Lamination of Fe-Cr Component with Low Expansion Coefficient for Color Tubes

  25. 对采用因瓦荫罩的大屏幕、高清晰度彩管,需要较小弯曲位移量的横拼双金属弹簧片进行温度补偿。

    An Invar shadow-mask kinescope with a large screen and high definition requires temperature compensation by means of a laterally-welded bimetal spring lamination with a smaller bending displacement .

  26. 采用高速钢粉末与45号钢套自由锻造工艺,制造双金属木工刨刀片。

    The bimetallic planing chips for carpenters were made by drop-forging high speed steel powder in carbon-steel ( 0 . 45 % C ) containers .

  27. 双金属继电器中条形双金属片的数学模型与等效网络

    Mathematical model and equivalent network for bimetal strip in bimetal relay

  28. 圆盘双金属片式蒸汽疏水阀双金属片组件的设计

    The design of double-sheetmetal unit for disc double-sheetmetal steam trap