
  • 网络River Beas;Beas River
  1. 越野赛部分安排在双鱼河乡村俱乐部会所和香港高尔夫球会会场内举行。

    The cross-country show jumping events will be held at the Beas River Country Club and Hongkong Golf Club .

  2. 双鱼河虽然是梧桐河的支流,但本身流量亦很大,在香港亦称得上是主要河流之一。

    The river beas , though a tributary of the river indus , is also a major river in its own right .

  3. 而梧桐河及双鱼河的河道整治工程也会配合第二期的治理深圳河计划而于短期内动工。

    Works in the Indus and Beas rivers will start shortly so that the programme will match the Stage II works of the Shenzhen River Regulation Project .