
  • 网络Reflector;diffuser;Lamp Reflector
  1. 车灯反光罩充液拉深工艺的研究

    Research on hydro-mechanical drawing of reflector of light

  2. 本系列采用集成芯片球珠,配合镀铝反光罩聚光技术。

    This series uses integrated chip lamp bead , and combines with the light gathering technology of aluminum-coated reflector .

  3. 铁质基材反光罩表面蒸镀Al反射膜的工艺研究

    Technical Study on Vacuum Evaporation Plating Al Reflective Film on Fe Substrate Surface

  4. 采用真空蒸发镀膜的方法,在太阳能集热管的铁质金属反光罩的表面,制备了Al反射膜。

    The Al film on Fe reflecting cover surface of solar heating tube has been made by vacuum evaporation deposition .

  5. ICU等有重患者卧床的部门应当选用紫外线反光罩消毒灭菌灯;

    In ICU and other severe degree patients rooms to use UV disinfector lamp with reflector .

  6. BMC车灯反光罩注射工艺参数的研究

    Injection molding process of BMC reflection lampshade

  7. 最终,米勒德建议大家采用廉价的店铺照明,这种照明系统有全光谱的灯泡(光管直径t5或t8[t5直径约16mm,t8直径约25.4mm&译注])和反光罩。

    Ultimately , Ms. Millard recommends cheap shop lights , with full-spectrum bulbs ( t5 or t8 ) and reflective hoods .

  8. 本文介绍了以BMC材料注射汽车前大灯反光罩的成型工艺,并确定了注射成型时的温度、压力、固化时间等工艺参数。

    This paper introduces the injection molding process of BMC used in car forehead reflection lampshade , And injection parameters such as injection temperature , injection pressure and cure time are determined .

  9. 最后用一组实际的数据输入到程序,得到了相应的结果,并分析了所得到的结果,从而验证了光线追迹法在闪光灯反光罩设计中的可行性。

    At last , a program and the out data show the result .

  10. 用光线追迹法对闪光灯反光罩的设计分析

    A design for flash on ray-tracing

  11. 该产品所有螺钉孔,装配孔孔位均要求和后盖反光罩配合良好。

    All the thread holes'and assembly holes'site of this product should be in well fit with rear cover 's reflecting shade .

  12. 闪光灯反光罩结构设计的目标是使得所拍摄视场内的光能量分布尽量均衡。

    Better distribution of the light energy in the field of view is the aim of the structure design of flashlight .

  13. 特点:该灯具灯座采用强力压铸铝合金制作,灯体采用专用合金材料,反光罩采用聚碳酸酯材料。

    Charactristics : Lampholder is made from die-casting strength aluminum alloy and the body from special alloy materials and the reflector from PC.

  14. 灯罩采用铝合金制造的,有各种长短的专用反光罩。

    The reflect cover adopt aluminum alloy manufacture , there is all sorts of long short for special purpose reflected light cover .

  15. 采用集成芯片球珠,配合镀铝反光罩聚光技术,光源集中、聚光效果好;

    It uses integrated chip lamp bead , combines with the light gathering technology of aluminum-coated reflector , and achieves excellent focusing effect .

  16. 反光罩有破洞,顶部固定支架断了一个,其它部位正常,可配合自己车上大灯的可用部分解决问题。

    Flipflop has holes , fixation is broken at the top , other parts of normal , be compatible with the available part of the solution to problems on their car headlights .

  17. 通过对照相机闪光灯几何结构的分析,引入余弦随机变量等方法,建立了闪光灯系统中光源、反光罩、菲涅耳透镜等部件的数学模型。

    After analyzing and modeling of the camera flashlight structure ( such as the light source , reflectors and Fresnel lens ), and introducing cosine random number and other methods , we built up the model of a flashlight .