
  • 网络rheed;reflected high energy electron diffraction;Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction,RHEED;RHED
  1. 电子衍射条件对Si(111)外延时反射式高能电子衍射强度振荡的影响

    The effect of electron diffraction conditions on RHEED intensity oscillations during si ( 111 ) MBE

  2. 虚拟反射式高能电子衍射实验系统的设计

    Design of virtual reflection high energy electron diffraction experimental system

  3. Si衬底上分子束外延Ge,Si时的反射式高能电子衍射强度振荡观察

    RHEED intensity oscillations in the process of molecular beam epitaxy growth of Ge and Si on Si substrates

  4. 分子束外延反射式高能电子衍射的强度振荡采集系统及其应用

    Acquisition system of RHEED intensity oscillations and its application during the MBE growth

  5. 高气压反射式高能电子衍射仪监控脉冲激光外延氧化物薄膜

    In-situ monitoring of the growth of oxide thin films in PLD using high-pressure reflection high energy electron diffraction