
  • 网络Plugging;plug braking;Plug Brake;reverse connection brake
  1. 电机旋转方向可任意选定,但不可往复运转或反接制动。

    The direction of motor is CW or CCW , but don 't run to and from or plug braking .

  2. 倒拉反接制动在矿井提升中的应用

    The application of plug braking in the hoisting of mines

  3. MATLAB在异步电动机电源反接制动教学中的应用

    The Application of MATLAB Language in Teaching Supply Reversal Connections Braking of 3-Phase Asynchronous Motor

  4. PLC在多台电动机降压起动、反接制动及正反转可逆控制电路中的应用

    ANALYSIS ON REVERSIBLE ROTATION SHADED MOTOR Application of PLC in the Circuit of Multiple Motor System

  5. 以三相异步电动机可逆运行反接制动控制为例,用不同的设计方法,阐述了PLC在控制中的应用。

    Based on the example of plug reversal braking control of reversible operation of three - phase induction motor , in different design methods , the application of PLC in the control of the three - phase induction motor is presented .

  6. 六相感应电动机电源反接制动瞬态仿真研究

    Transient Simulation of Six-phase Induction Motors Under Power Source Reversal Connections Braking

  7. 磁场反接制动在煤矿蓄电池机车上的应用

    Application in Mine Battery Locomotive of Anti-connect Field to Stop-motion

  8. 三相异步电动机电源反接制动的数值仿真方法

    Numerical Simulation Method of Reverse Braking of the Stator Connections for 3-Phase Asynchronous Motor

  9. 单相反接制动起升控制屏的改进线路

    Improved circuitry of lift control panel using brake by switching single phase into reverse

  10. 这里主要讨论电磁制动中的反接制动、能耗制动和回馈制动。

    We focus on the reverse braking , energy consume braking and back braking .

  11. 用检测转子频率的方法控制电机反接制动可靠停车

    Study and Application of Measuring the Electro motor Rotor Frequency in Reverse-Control Wired Stable Stop

  12. 一种安全可靠的反接制动控制电路

    A Safe Reliable Reverse Connect Brake Circuit

  13. 桥式起重机运行机构反接制动时的动载荷研究

    Dynamic Load on Operating Mechanism of a Bridge Type Crane in Case of Braking by Reversal

  14. 煤矿蓄电池机车经过改造实现平稳的磁场反接制动是可行而有效的。

    Through improvement , the method of anti-connect field to stop-motion of mine battery locomotive can be realized steadily .

  15. 分析了磁场反接制动的机械特性,给出了相关电路参数计算,最后给出了改进的电路设计。

    Analyze machine characteristic of anti-connect field to stop-motion and parameter compute and design of circuit are given by study .

  16. 对六相感应电动机电源反接制动的瞬态过程进行了仿真分析。

    This paper deals with the transient analysis of power source reversal connections braking operation process of six-phase induction motors .

  17. 对系统制动问题进行了重点讨论,提出能耗制动和反接制动相结合的方法。

    The theory of system braking is mainly analyzed , braking and orientation problem is solved by the combined energy consumption breaking and plug braking .

  18. 论文对系统的重要指标一定位进行了分析,提出能耗制动和反接制动相结合的方法,解决了系统快速停车的问题。

    The dissertation analyse the very important target , and the theory of system braking is mainly analyzed , braking and orientation problem is solved by soft brake and reverse braking .

  19. 深入探讨了发-变组高压短路制动和中小机组反接制动的可行性、实用性,为水电厂选择合理的电气制动方式提供了依据。

    Particularly analyses the characteristic and application situation of electric braking method , stresses on discussing the feasibility and practicability of generator-transformer unit high voltage short circuit braking and reverse connecting braking in middle-small unit .

  20. 本文着重探讨水轮发电机组电气制动的工作原理,分析了几种电气制动方法的特点及其应用场合,包括目前最常用的发电机定子端短路制动、发-变组高压短路制动和中小机组反接制动方法。

    The paper introduces the work principle of electric braking of hydraulic turbine-generator unit , including generator stator side short circuit braking method , generator-transformer unit high voltage short circuit braking method and reverse connecting braking method .

  21. 指出在反接制动中电动势短接回路的存在是造成再生电流失控的根本原因,并提出了相应的双管调制策略。

    The primary causation for the problem that phase current during reverse braking out of control is a short loop by the back electromotive force , and it proposes a double switching modulation scheme that can control braking current effectively .