
fǎn tiào
  • bounce;bound;knock-on;impingement
反跳[fǎn tiào]
  1. 结果:脑外伤患者ICP明显增高,经尼莫地平治疗后ICP逐步下降,并稳定在一个较低水平,无反跳现象;

    Results : ICP of the patients of brain trauma rose obviously but descended gradually after treatment with nimodipine and stabilized on a lower level without " bounce " appearance .

  2. 对DKA的NPH参与治疗显示,KET反跳率、低血糖发生率、需住院率以及平均住院时间均有相当程度的降低。

    For the NPH enlist DKA group , the bounce rate of KET , incidence of hypoglycemia , rate of hospitalization and average time of hospitalization all had different grade of reduction .

  3. 农药中毒反跳:B组出现机会少于A组。

    The rebound of pesticide poisoning in group B was less than group A.

  4. 颅内再出血,脑水肿,脑肿胀时ICP可呈阶梯式反跳。

    Rebleeding , brain edema and cerebral swelling could increasing ICP by ladder way .

  5. 目的:探讨引起急性颅内高压患者颅内压(ICP)反跳的因素。

    Objective : To study the factors of rebound in acute intracranial pressure ( ICP ) .

  6. 对照组出现的腹痛再发率和AP反跳率绝大多数(86%)处于进食后2周内。结论胰腺影像学的变化可作为AP患者最佳进食时机的选择依据。

    Conclusions Imaging changes of the pancreas might be served as a basis for the best occasion of feeding in AP patients .

  7. NA阳性组病毒反跳率及病毒无应答率均显著高于NA阴性组(P0.01)。

    The virus recrudescence rate and viral non response rate were higher in NA positive group than in NA negative group ( P 0.01 ) .

  8. 结果(1)在降低颅内压的有效率、颅内压反跳率、药效持续时间上,C、D组明显优于A、B组(均P<0.05);

    Results In response of the effective power , rebound ratio of ICP and average effective time , groups C and D were more noticeable than groups A and B ( all ( P < ) 0.05 ) .

  9. 静脉放血是治疗PV的基本方法,但可引起红细胞和血小板数的反跳性升高,并能诱发或促进血栓形成。

    Phlebotomy is the basic method of treatment of PV , but can cause rebound elevated red blood cells and platelet count , and can induce or promote thrombosis .

  10. [结论]提示芒果苷有良好的抑制DHBV感染作用,且停药后不易出现反跳现象。

    [ Conclusion ] Mangiferin has favorable inhabiting effect on DHBV DNA . Rebound phenomenon rarely occurs after administration of Mangiferin .

  11. 停药12个月后治疗组与对照组的DNA阴转率无显著性差异(P>0.05),对照组的反跳率明显高于治疗组(P>0.05)。

    The rate of DNA negative in control group was not different remarkable than that of treatment ( P > 0.05 ) later 12 months drug withdrawal ; The rate of rebound in control group was higher than treatment group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  12. 共对23例进行158次治疗。发现有效率只占55.7%,而使用甘露醇后ICP继续上升或出现反跳现象者占34.8%。

    The efficacy rate of 158 treatments in 23 patients was only 55 . 7 % and ICPs were not reduced but elevated continuously or rebounded after mannitol administration in 34 . 8 % .

  13. 结果:观察组平均阿托品用量(300.5±204.6)mg,治愈49例,治愈率96.1%,无一例因阿托品过量或病情反跳死亡。

    Results : In the study group , the mean dose of atropine was ( 300 5 ± 204 6 ) mg per case and cure rate was 96 1 % , and no one died of atropine poisoning or recurrence of symptoms .

  14. 结果:分别在F1和F2点测得光击穿及空化气泡闭合与反跳时产生的声压脉冲信号;用石膏小球进行了碎石演示性实验,取得初步结果。

    Results : We measured the pulse sound pressure from water broken down and bubble collapse near F 1 and F 2 respectively and made the simulated lithoclastic experiments for a small plaster ball .

  15. 基于Anderson磁通蠕动模型,考虑磁通的反跳对磁通蠕动速度的影响,得出了超导体中不可逆线的一般表达式。

    Based on Anderson 's flux creep model , the counter direction hopping effect of the flux line is taken into consideration and a new general expression of irreversibility line ( IL ) is obtained .

  16. 结论:两药联用能明显抑制HBV复制,降低其反跳和病情复发。结论蚓激酶序贯于巴曲酶的治疗方法可以有效地抑制纤维蛋白原等指标的反弹,巩固和加强治疗效果。

    Conclusion : The treatment of INF - α combined with thymosin on CHB was efficient , and can reduce relapse and rebound phenomenon . Conclusion It suggestes that lumbrukinase with batroxobin can effectively inhibit rebound of fibrinogen , consolidate the efficacy and reduce forward relapse .

  17. 结果两组病死率、CHE上升至正常的30%和50%的时间、反跳、中间综合征及住院周期都存在差异性(p<0.05)。

    Results The case fatality , rebound and intermediate syndrome were significantly reduced in the observation group , and the time of CHE recover to 30 % and 50 % common level and the time of hospital stay were remarkably shorted ( p < 0.05 ) .

  18. 且在停药后未见明显反跳现象。

    There was no obvious rebound phenomenon shown after the treatment .

  19. 撞在前进中的活塞上的分子,会加速反跳。

    A molecule striking an advancing piston recoils with increased speed .

  20. 反跳的程度与利巴韦林浓度呈负相关。

    The magnitude of the rebound was inversely related to ribavirin concentrations .

  21. 而且停药后反跳作用轻,治疗作用较持久。

    The rebound phenomenon after drug suspension is mild and its action is persistent .

  22. 甘露醇降脑压引起反跳现象的预防

    Prevention of the rebound overshoot phenomenon during mannitol treatment of patients with raised intracranial pressure

  23. 巨大的石块飞跃着象反跳的冰雹,

    Huge fragments vaulted like rebounding hail ,

  24. 腹软,无压痛及反跳痛,肝脾未触及;

    Abdomen was soft , no tenderness and rebound tenderness ; Liver and spleen were impalpable .

  25. 丙戊酸钠停药反跳在细胞水平上的分子机制研究

    Study of the Molecular Mechanism Underlying the Rebound Effects after Sodium Valproate Withdrawal at Cellular Level

  26. 中毒反跳发生的时间均在胆碱酯酶活性下降的时期内。

    The poisoning rebound time of all cases occurred in the decrease period of cholinesterase activity .

  27. 呼吸循环衰竭、中毒反跳、肺部感染为主要死亡原因。

    Respiration-circulation failure , rebound of toxicosis and lung infection were the main causes of death .

  28. 同时观察到治疗时以前从未报道的反跳现象。

    " Rebound Symptom " during treatment has been observed , which was not reported before .

  29. 呋塞米加依那普利预防硝普钠停药反跳的临床观察

    Clinical observation of preventing patients ' condition rebound caused by sodium nitroprusside ceasing by furosemide and ACEI

  30. 急性有机磷农药中毒反跳20例分析

    Analysis AOPP Rebound 20 Patients