
  1. 拒绝接受《发票换票证》;

    Refuse to accept the " invoice-changing certificate ";

  2. 24税务机关调出发票查验时,纳税人有索取发票换票证的权利。

    Tax payers have the right to ask for invoice returning certificate when tax authorities take away invoices for examination .

  3. 辩护律师对当事人以外被羁押人的调查取证问题24税务机关调出发票查验时,纳税人有索取发票换票证的权利。

    On Defendant Lawyers ' Investigation and Evidence Collection of Detainees Except the Interested Parties Tax payers have the right to ask for invoice returning certificate when tax authorities take away invoices for examination .

  4. 需要将已开具的发票调出查验时,应当向被检查人开具发票换票证。

    When there is the need to transfer out the drawn up invoice for examination , the examiner should draw up an invoice change certificate .

  5. 需要调出外县(市)的发票查验时,应与该县(市)税务机关联系,使用当地的发票换票证。

    When one needs to transfer the invoice out of the county ( city ) for examination , one shall contact the county ( city ) tax authorities and use local invoice-changing certificate .