
fā yù shēnɡ wù xué
  • developmental biology
  1. 形态发生是导致有机体成形的生物过程,是发育生物学的三个基本方面之一。

    Morphogenesis is the biological process that causes an organism to develop its shape . It is one of three fundamental aspects of developmental biology .

  2. 结论认为在发育生物学的研究中,胃蛋白酶C可作为胃上皮细胞分化的分子标志。

    Conclusion : We concluded the pepsinogen C could offer excellent molecular markers of differentiation of stomach epithelial cells in developmental biology .

  3. 方法取由上海市发育生物学重点实验室提供的ES进行细胞培养和体外诱导,收集ES衍生细胞。

    Methods The ES cells were cultured and induced in vitro .

  4. OCT技术在发育生物学中的应用

    Applications of OCT Technique in Developmental Biology

  5. 毛竹(Phyllostachysedulis)韧皮部结的发育生物学研究

    Studies on Developmental Biology of Phloem Ganglion in Phyllostachys Edulis

  6. 目的基于肝脏发育生物学进展,建立有效诱导胚胎干细胞(ESC)向肝细胞分化的体外培养体系。

    Objective To induce ES cells to differentiate into hepatocytes .

  7. 出生后哺乳动物胃肠道Cajal细胞的发育生物学特性研究

    Development Characteristics of Interstitial Cells of Cajal in the Gastrointestinal Tracts of Postnatal Mammals

  8. 因此,ESC在移植医学、发育生物学等领域有着广阔的应用前景。

    Therefore , ESC can be used in many fields such as transplanta-tion medicine , developmental biology and so on .

  9. 海蜇(Rhopilemaesculenta)早期幼体发育生物学及摄食运动行为的初步研究

    Pilot Studies on Biology of Early Larval Development and Feeding Behavior in Jellyfish , Rhopilema Esculenta

  10. 斑马鱼(Daniorerio)是研究脊椎动物发育生物学的重要模式物种之一。

    Zebrafish ( Danio rerio ) is one of the most important model species for developmental biology study in vertebrate .

  11. 即使是果蝇这种低等生物,在它们感染螨虫时,也会出现一种跟搔痒看起来颇为相似的“强力梳理行为(robustgroomingbehaviors)”,加州大学伯克利分校(UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley)的细胞和发育生物学助理教授戴安娜·鲍蒂斯塔(DianaBautista)说。

    Even fruit flies engage in " robust grooming behaviors " that look a lot like scratching when they are infected with mites , said Diana Bautista , an assistant professor of cell and developmental biology at the University of California , Berkeley .

  12. 近年来,牙本质非胶原蛋白(Non-collagenousproteins,NCPs)在成牙本质细胞诱导分化和牙本质形成中作用的研究已成为牙齿发育生物学和牙髓生物学研究的热点。

    Dentin non-collagenous proteins ( NCPs ) play critical roles in odontoblast induction , differentiation and dentin mineralization , and they have become the research focus of the tooth developmental biology and dental pulp biology .

  13. 中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所李云海研究组此前的研究鉴定出一个种子和器官大小的调控基因DA1,它编码一个泛素受体。

    We have previously demonstrated that DA1 , which encodes a predicted ubiquitin receptor , controls the final size of seeds and organs by restricting cell proliferation in Arabidopsis .

  14. 小鼠胚胎干细胞(mESCs)已在发育生物学、人类疾病和药物开发等研究领域中得到广泛应用,小鼠ESCs建系技术的丰富完善为建立人类和动物ESCs系提供了参照标准和理论依据。

    Mouse ESCs have been widely used in those research fields like developmental biology , human disease and drug development . The establishing technique of ESCs series have provided reference standard and theoretical basis for the establishment of human and animals ESCs series .

  15. 植物木质部发育生物学研究

    A Review of the Study on the Developmental Biology of Xylem

  16. 发育生物学教学内容与方法的改革和创新

    Reform and Innovation of Teaching Content and Methods of Developmental Biology

  17. 猪囊尾蚴的发育生物学药物作用机理

    Developmental Biology of Cysticercus Cellulosae And Mechanism of Action of Drugs

  18. 发育生物学课程内容体系改革和教学方法初探

    Primary Exploration of Curricular Reform and Teaching Method for Developmental Biology

  19. 芸薹属植物雄性不育的发育生物学研究

    Studies on male sterility of Brassica crops in terms of developmental biology

  20. 组织的再生一直是现代发育生物学中一个神秘的话题。

    Regeneration has been a rather enigmatic topic in modern developmental biology .

  21. 石蒜属植物发育生物学与栽培技术研究进展

    Advance in Developmental Biology and Cultivation Techniques of Lycoris Herbs

  22. 早期节肢动物化石对演化发育生物学的启示

    The Inspirations of early animal fossils on evolutionary developmental biology

  23. 生殖细胞的发生是发育生物学研究的重要领域。

    Ontogenesis of germ cells is an important problem in developmental biology .

  24. 植物进化发育生物学的形成与研究进展

    Foundation and Current Progress of Plant Evolutionary Developmental Biology

  25. 毛竹茎杆纤维细胞的发育生物学研究

    Study on the Developmental Biology of Fiber in the Culms of Phyllostachys Edulis

  26. 网站描述:这是发育生物学中心的网站。

    Description : This is the website of the Center for Developmental Biology .

  27. 无融合生殖是发育生物学领域的重要科学问题。

    Apomixis is an attractive trait in developmental biology .

  28. 文昌鱼与比较基因组学和分子发育生物学

    Amphioxus in comparative genomics and molecular developmental biology

  29. 分子,细胞,发育生物学与遗传学。

    Molecular , Cellular , Developmental Biology and Gen.

  30. 论文第二部分:鱼类早期发育生物学和实验生态学研究。

    Section B , biological and experimental ecology studies of early development of fish .