
  • 网络Issued share capital;issued capital
  1. 交易完成后,中国联合通信股份有限公司将持有中国联通已发行股本的76.5%。这笔交易可能于7月底完成。

    China United Network will own 76.5 per cent of the issued share capital of China Unicom once the deal is completed , possibly towards the end of July .

  2. 有关卖空交易的提案提出,一旦投资者的净空头头寸达到公司已发行股本的0.2%,就必须向监管机构报告,达到0.5%以上,就必须向市场披露。

    The short-selling proposals suggest that investors must disclose significant net short positions to regulators once these amount to 0.2 per cent of the issued share capital of a company , and to the market at a higher 0.5 per cent threshold .

  3. 根据已发行股本,可以折算出Facebook总估值约750亿美元。

    Based on the number of shares outstanding , that works out to a valuation of approximately $ 75 billion .

  4. 已发行股本,已发行股份有表决权的非产权股份资本

    Capital stock issued voting non-equity share capital

  5. 每个公司发行股本的“基本”类型通常称为普通股。

    The " basic " type of capital stock issued by every corporation often is called common stock .

  6. 若淡仓的市值达到或超过3000万港元(合380万美元),或淡仓量达到或超过上市公司已发行股本的0.02%(以较低者为准),市场参与者就必须申报。

    Market participants will have to disclose any short position that is equal to or greater than 0.02 per cent of the issued share capital of a listed company , or a market value of HK $ 30m ( $ 3.8m ), whichever is lower .

  7. 虚股超过收入资本而发行的股本

    Stock issued in excess of paid-in capital . paid-up and called-up share capital

  8. 但同时我国的股票市场仍然处于初级阶段,在股票发行、股本结构、股市运行机制等方面都存在缺陷。

    However , as our stock market still in initial stage , shortages still remain in stock issuing , capital structure and the practice system of the stock market etc.

  9. 面向公众发行的股本在经州政府官员核定的同时,必须经联邦证券交易管理委员会的批准。

    Issues of capital stock that will be sold to the general public must be approved by the federal Securities Exchange Commission , as well as by state officials .

  10. 但对他们利益造成的真正损害不是用坏帐比率或全部发行在外总股本数可以量化的。

    But the real damage to their interests can 't be quantified in terms of bad debt ratios or total shares outstanding .

  11. 可转换公司债券有效地扩宽企业融资渠道,而且由于企业发行可转债后股本增减具有不确定性。

    Due to the uncertainty of the number of the stocks after issuing the convertible bonds , they can improve the company 's ability to innovate in the capital market .

  12. 注:股票发行量、总发行股本、市价总值和筹资额均不含H股。

    Note : Issued amount , total issued capital , total market capitalization and raised capital of shares don 't include H share .

  13. 如今,对于股票发行与重新发行要求总计超过股本10%的公司,如果不能提出合理理由说服iss,则iss将建议其成员投反对票。

    ISS will now recommend its members vote against companies whose combined share issuance and reissuance requests are greater than 10 per cent , unless the company can persuade it there are good reasons for doing so .

  14. 当这种“无面值”股票发行时,整个发行价格贷记股本账户并作为法定资本不得提用。

    When this " no-par " stock is issued , the entire issue price is credited to the Capital Stock account and is viewed as legal capital not subject to withdrawal .

  15. 已出售和发行给股东的股数构成公司的发行股本。

    Shares that have been sold and issued to stockholders constitute the issued stock of the corporation .