
shòu huì guó
  • beneficiary country;favoured nation
受惠国[shòu huì guó]
  1. 这就意味着,GSP原产国规则须由在相关受惠国将鞋面组装到鞋底的加工来满足。

    This means the GSP origin rule is met by the process of assembling the upper to the sole in the relevant beneficiary country .

  2. 似乎普遍的看法是,一个基于在GSP受惠国加工附加值的顾及各方面的的原产国规则是行不通的。

    It now seems there is general agreement that a single across the board origin rule based on the value added by the processing in the GSP beneficiary country will not work .

  3. 波兰还是欧盟资金最大的受惠国。

    It has also been the single largest beneficiary of EU funds .

  4. 作为回报,受惠国必须继续改善自己的财政状况。

    In return , beneficiary states must continue to improve their public finances .

  5. 这种资质是基于受惠国良好的管理和自由贸易的,是可以撤销的。

    Eligibility is based on a country 's commitment to good governance and free trade and it can be revoked .

  6. 享有最惠国待遇的国家为受惠国,给与最惠国待遇的国家为给惠国。

    The country that enjoys a most-favoured-nation treatment is a favored nation , the country of accord most-favoured-nation treatment is benefit country .

  7. 最惠国条款的适用可以使得受惠国可以直接根据给惠国与第三国签订的条约中更加优惠的待遇,让自己也自动获得同等的待遇。其中也包括实质性的保护。

    The application of MFN clauses can make the beneficiary nation can apply for the more favorable treatment and substantive protection from the third-nation investment treaty .

  8. 截至2012年底,有22个非洲受惠国累计受惠货值达到14.9亿美元,关税税款优惠9.1亿元人民币。

    By the end of 2012 , 22 of them had seen 910 million yuan worth of tariff exempted , involving US $ 1.49 billion-worth of goods .

  9. 原产地规则旨在确保普惠制待遇仅限于真正在出口受惠国获取、收获、生产或制造的产品。

    Rules of Origin aim to ensure that the GSP treatment in confined to products genuinely taken from , harvested , produced or manufactured in the exporting preference-receiving countries .

  10. 他支持建立一个迅速开始的绿色基金,三年内,每年拿出100亿美元帮助发展中国家,但受惠国不包括中国。

    He backed the likely creation of a'quick start'green fund worth $ US10 billion a year for three years to help the developing world cope , but said he did not expect China to benefit .

  11. 2000年和2001年,斯威士兰和莱索托分别成为《法案》受惠国。这两个国家均为非洲东南部内陆小国,地理位置相近;

    In 2000 and 2001 , Swaziland and Lesotho became another two beneficiary countries of the Act , both of which are small and inland countries with the similar geographical position , history and culture , political system and economic level .