
xù lì yà rén
  • Syrian
  1. 据《纽约邮报》报道,钱德里的前妻乔安娜•辛普森当年抛弃了乔布斯,是她父亲不同意她嫁给叙利亚人。

    According to the New York Post , his ex-wife Joanne Simpson gave up the baby as her father did not approve of her marrying a Syrian .

  2. 乔布斯曾经从养父母那里听说过,自己的亲生父母都是大学毕业生,父亲可能是叙利亚人。

    He had learned from Paul and Clara Jobs that his birth parents had both been graduate students at a university and that his father might be Syrian .

  3. 叙利亚人还没有接到出席邀请。

    The Syrians have not yet accepted an invitation to attend

  4. 乘务员是叙利亚人。

    The crew-members were Syrians .

  5. 通过叙利亚人作媒介,希腊文化渗透到波斯。

    Through the medium of the Syrians Greek culture penetrated Persia .

  6. 叙利亚人看看准备显示在Al庆祝宰牲节在大马士革市中心,叙利亚,星期二,2009年11月24日米丹市场糖果栈。

    Syrians look at stacks of sweets displayed in preparation to celebrate Eid al-Adha at Al-Midan market in downtown Damascus , Syria , Tuesday , Nov.24,2009 .

  7. 去年12月,联合国难民事务高级专员公署(UNHighCommissionerforRefugees)呼吁欧盟为在内战中流离失所的叙利亚人提供13万个安置点。

    In December , the UN High Commissioner for Refugees appealed to the EU to provide 130,000 resettlement places for Syrians displaced by the civil war .

  8. 钱德里说,他曾给乔布斯发过几次邮件,但他也承认,有着身为叙利亚人的自尊,他不会给儿子打电话。史蒂夫•乔布斯刚刚卸任苹果CEO。

    He said he has emailed the former Apple CEO a few times but admitted that Syrian pride means he would never call him .

  9. 钱德里说,他曾给乔布斯发过几次邮件,但他也承认,由于有着身为叙利亚人的自尊,他不会给儿子打电话。史蒂夫·乔布斯刚刚卸任苹果CEO。

    He said he has emailed the former Apple CEO a few times but admitted that Syrian pride means he would never call him 。

  10. IDA和这些叙利亚人,以及那些还在冲突当中的人,都感觉被忽视了。

    IDA and these Syrians and many people in places of conflict feel very unheard and unseen .

  11. 许多叙利亚人纷纷转向社交媒体,例如YouTube、Facebook和Twitter,来帮助传播叙利亚现状的报道。

    Many Syrians have turned to social media like YouTube , Facebook and Twitter to help spread reports about what is happening in the country .

  12. 但是在ISIS组织夺得了北部领土以后,他们的野蛮行径激怒了大部分叙利亚人。

    But as ISIS gain territory in the north , their brutal tactics aliened many Syrians .

  13. AbedAyoub律师就职于美国最大的阿拉伯裔美国人的民权组织的,他帮助领导了一个团体联盟,在1月份为这个(叙利亚人)临时保护状态向美国国土安全部进行请愿。他说:

    Attorney Abed Ayoub is with the largest Arab-American civil rights organization in the U.S. He helped lead a coalition of groups to petition the Department of Homeland Security in January for the temporary protection status .

  14. 据报道超过70000名叙利亚人死亡,现在我们说据报道是因为无法确认数字,或确认暴力事件,这是因为叙利亚并没有给CNN或任何其他国际新闻机构自由进入这个国家的权利。

    More than 70000 Syrians are reported to have been killed , now we say reported because it 's not possible to confirm that number , or to confirm some of the accounts of violence , that 's because Syria hasn 't give CNN or any other International news organizations free access inside the country .

  15. 在Tafas的一个小镇,德拉的北部,成千上万个叙利亚人出席了葬礼,他们把怒气发泄到国家的象征上。

    Thousands of Syrians turned out for the funerals and in the small town of Tafas , just north of Deraa , they turned their anger on symbols of the state .

  16. 当逾800万叙利亚人在总统巴沙尔•阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)发动的战争中流离失所,另有400万人沦为难民时,为什么我们会震惊于他们中的一些人愿意为了到欧洲寻觅更美好未来的渺茫希望而冒险渡海?

    When more than 8m of them have been displaced from their homes in the war waged by President Bashar al-Assad and another 4m are refugees [ SOURCE OF NUMBERS ? ] , why are we shocked to see some of them braving death for the fleeting hope of a better future in Europe ?

  17. HilalKhashan:“这就会使叙利亚人认为,可以随意反对政权而不受惩罚,这是不可想象的,阿萨德不会允许这种情况出现的。”

    HILAL KHASHAN : " This means that Syrians will feel free to demonstrate against the regime with . This is unthinkable . Assad will never allow such developments to occur . Therefore , he will find reasons to defeat the mission of Kofi Annan . "

  18. 叙利亚人需要一些供其东部城市使用的石油。

    The Syrians need some oil for their own Eastern cities .

  19. 可能是叙利亚人,南非人。

    It could have been the syrians , the South americans .

  20. 于是经由电台培训过的叙利亚人开始播报节目。

    The programs feature reports by Syrians trained by the station .

  21. 据报道在阿勒颇和德拉的叙利亚人再次遭到围攻。

    Syrians in Aleppo and Daraa reportedly are under siege again .

  22. 现在叙利亚人占黎巴嫩总人口的四分之一。

    In Lebanon , Syrians are now one quarter of the population .

  23. 联合国估计有6000名叙利亚人被杀害。

    The U.N. estimates that 6000 Syrians have been killed .

  24. 叙利亚人什麽时候才会到达忍耐的极限?

    Yet when will the Syrian people reach their limit ?

  25. 年轻的叙利亚人已经敢于公开的嘲讽当今政权。

    Young Syrians are no longer afraid to deride the regime openly .

  26. 叙利亚人并没有宣布这些核项目。

    And the Syrians didn 't declare the program .

  27. 并不奇怪的是,0%的叙利亚人投入自己的工作。

    Unsurprisingly , 0 % of Syrians admitted to being engaged at work .

  28. 我们正在讨论美国跟叙利亚人的关系。

    We are discussing our relationship with the Syrians .

  29. 有的人是被叙利亚人警告离开的,其他的是逃走的。

    Some were told to leave by the Syrians ; others simply fled .

  30. 据联合国估计,有7万名叙利亚人在冲突中死亡,其中大部分是平民。

    The UN reckons that 70,000 Syrians , mostly civilians , have died .