
  1. 在今年俄古一系列的高层往来中,此次访问层次最高。

    The visit capped a series of high level Cuban-Russian contacts this year .

  2. 针对砂岩油藏在高含水期间古一联合站超负荷运行状态下原油脱水工艺问题,重点研究了含超细泥砂原油的脱水工艺。

    The dehydration process for crude oil containing superfine mud and sand in Gu-Yi Central Gathering Station was investigated .

  3. 两条景观走廊如璀璨的明珠镶嵌于蓉城,一古一今,各显风流。

    Two landscapes hallway , such as bright bright pearl , is inset in the city of Rong , a thou and a now , each romantic .

  4. 阐述了黑龙江省林甸观测井、山东省聊城聊古一井和云南省开远观测井观测到的氦含量变化与周围发生的中强地震的关系。

    In the article , the relationship between the Helium content of the observational wells in Heilongjiang Province , Shandong Province and Yunnan Province with earthquakes is presented .

  5. 属于或由古埃及一种草书手写体书写。

    Written or belonging to a cursive form of ancient Egyptian writing .

  6. 古奥运一开始和平和友谊的象征。

    The dove and the olive branch become the symbols of peace .

  7. 他尝试着历尽各种艰险救古德森一命。

    He saved it in all kinds of difficult and perilous ways .

  8. 古希腊一地区,位于雅典东北部。

    A district of ancient Greece northwest of Athens .

  9. 古罗马一种重量单位,约金衡制一磅。

    An ancient Roman unit of weight equal to about one troy pound .

  10. 亚里士多德是古希腊一位百科全书式的思想家,在众多领域都有所建树。

    Aristotle was an ancient Greek thinker encyclopedic , and succeed in many areas .

  11. 据说“年”是古时候一个凶猛的怪兽。

    It is said that Nian was a fierce monster back in ancient times .

  12. 古奥运一最先便是一个和安然平静友情的意味。

    The ancient Olympic Games were a symbol of peace and friendship at the beginning .

  13. 一曲表达赞美之情的圣歌(尤其是古希腊一首祈求或感谢神的歌)。

    A hymn of praise ( especially one sung in ancient Greece to invoke or thank a deity ) .

  14. 目下现古,一圆怙恃为伉俪采办的房产将正在离婚时保存其独立的统统权。

    Now , the partner whose parents bought the property for the couple will retain sole ownership in a divorce .

  15. 过滤被用于纯化葡萄酒,而沉降早在古希腊一罗马时代即被人们用于净化饮用水。

    Filtration was used to purify wine , and some people in the Greco-Roman period used sedimentation to clarify their water .

  16. 古印度一妻多夫的传统曾经在印度非常普遍,不过现在只有一少部分人还这样做。

    The ancient Hindu tradition of polyandry was once widely practised in India , but is now only observed by a minority .

  17. 他尝试着历尽各种艰险救古德森一命。试飞员免不了要冒的生命危险

    He saved it in all kinds of difficult and perilous ways . the risks incident to the life of a test pilot

  18. 摩奴法典是古印度一部集大成的经典,法典中具体阐释了种姓婚姻制度。

    Manavadharmasastra was an agglomeration of ancient Indian scriptures , which made a con-crete explanation of the marriage law in the caste system .

  19. 德性是古希腊一个重要的道德观念,对德性统一性的追求也是古希腊道德实践与思想领域的一个显著特征。

    Virtue is an important moral conception of Ancient Greek . After the unity of virtue is remarkable feature of Greek moral practices and thoughts .

  20. (象征着希腊人所能赢得的最高荣誉,荣归故里)古奥运一开始就是一个和平和友谊的象征。鸽子和橄榄枝成为和平的象征。

    The ancient Olympic Games were a symbol of peace and friendship at the beginning . The dove and the olive branch become the symbols of peace .

  21. 那根石头柱子是古时候一个犯了罪的人的亲属竖在那儿的,先是把那个人的手钉在那儿折磨他,后来才把他绞死。

    It was put up in wuld times by the relations of a malefactor who was tortured there by nailing his hand to a post and afterwards hung .

  22. 在古埃及,一个店主发现他可以通过改变商店的环境来吸引顾客。

    In ancient Egypt , a shopkeeper discovered that he could attract customers to his shop simply by making changes to its environment .

  23. “Decimation”曾用来形容古罗马的一项刑罚:十个人中死一个。

    Decimation was a Roman punishment where one in ten men was killed .

  24. 当罗杰。古戴尔在一个月前关心那支球队拿得超级碗冠军时,斯特恩已经对六月的NBA总决赛虎视眈眈。

    While Roger Goodell had to watch a team no one cared about a month ago crashing his Super Bowl , Stern can start salivating at the prospect of another boffo matchup in the NBA Finals in June .

  25. 一个业力事件是在古罗马作为一个奴隶。

    One was a life in ancient Rome as a slave .

  26. 这座庙宇是古希腊的一大骄傲。

    The temple is one of the glories of ancient greece .

  27. 计算地层古厚度的一种方法

    A new method to calculate the ancient thickness of sedimentary sequences

  28. 嗜盐古菌是一类生活在高盐环境中的古细菌。

    Halophilic archaea had been isolated from various hypersaline environments .

  29. 冰岩芯微粒分析:古环境的一种标志

    Analysis of Microparticles in Ice Cores : An Indicator of Past Environments

  30. 木匠行业是兴盛于古埃及的一个行业。

    Carpentry was another profession that flourished in ancient Egypt .