
  • classical dancing
  1. 以舞蹈动作构成为主体,探究中国古典舞细化的情感表达的特点。

    This chapter researches the detailed emotional expression characteristics of Chinese Classical Dancing with dancing actions .

  2. 在梳理教材之后来反思中国古典舞在文化追求上的不断变迁。

    After hackling the teaching materials the paper reflects the unceasing change purchased by the Chinese classical dancing culture .

  3. 今年春节假期,除了电影票房大热之外,河南卫视春晚的舞蹈节目《唐宫夜宴》也火出了圈。由郑州歌舞剧院创作的古典舞《唐宫夜宴》亮相2021年河南春晚后在社交媒体平台上走红,受到网友的广泛赞誉。

    The classical dance program Palace Banquet in Tang Dynasty created by Zhengzhou Song & Dance Theater has gone viral on Chinese social media platforms and won much acclaim at the 2021 Henan TV Spring Festival Gala .

  4. 身韵在建构中国古典舞中的地位与作用

    The effect of body charm on the Chinese classical dance

  5. 能学习古典舞我真是太开心了。

    I was so excited about learning a classic dance .

  6. 中国古典舞能力训练中的损伤预防

    Injury Prevention in the Drill of Chinese Classical Dance

  7. 中国古典舞的文化内涵与审美理念

    Cultural Connotations and Aesthetic Idea of Chinese Classic Dance

  8. 浅析中国古典舞旋转的特性与训练方法

    Analysis of the Rotary Characteristics of Chinese Classical Dance and Its Training Methods

  9. 别闹,她非常喜欢音乐,还学过古典舞。

    Hold on , she loves music in fact she has learnt classical dance .

  10. 印度古典舞及其所受的宗教影响

    The Indian Classical Dance and the Religious Influence

  11. 中国古典舞蕴含着极为丰富的民族文化内涵和深厚的审美理念。

    The Chinese classic dance contains extremely rich cultural connotations and profound aesthetic idea .

  12. 中国古典舞基训课中钢琴伴奏的变化研究

    A Study on " Improvement " of the Piano Accompaniment in Chinese Classical Dance Basic Skill Training

  13. 也正是那一年,她引导我进入舞蹈的殿堂,而这一开端正是我与印度古典舞幽会的伊始。

    That year she introduced me to dance , and thus began my tryst with classical dance .

  14. 沪友的古典舞表演让观众领略了中国传统文化的优美;

    The classic dancing by one Hu You made the audience appreciate the beauty of traditional Chinese culture .

  15. 中国古典舞的技术技巧突出了其高超的艺术水平,它是既具有中国古典审美特色,又具有明显传统文化符号的技术技巧。

    Chinese classical dance highlights the techniques which have both the Chinese classical features and obvious traditional techniques .

  16. 所以,身韵可以视为重新整合中国古典舞的根本方法。

    Therefore , the body charm can be regarded as the basic method of reorganizing the Chinese classical dance .

  17. 中国古典舞具有明显的表现特征:一是回旋、圆转的体势;

    China 's classic dance has obvious characteristics of expression : the first is the whirling and turning body posture ;

  18. 中国古典舞身韵在基本功教学中的应用,体现了中国古典舞的本质特征。

    The application of Chinese classical dancing body rhyme in basic skill teaching shows that the essential feature of Chinese classical dancing .

  19. 从舞种建设到学科建设&中国古典舞文化建设的回顾与展望

    From the Construction of Genre of Dance to that of Discipline & Retrospect and Prospect of the Construction of Chinese Classical Dance

  20. 古典舞完整的训练体系对竞技健美操的技术训练和表现力的培养有独特作用。借鉴古典舞训练手段,紧密结合健美操特点,是提高健美操运动员技术和表现力的有效手段。

    The training system of Chinese classic dance has a unique effect on the technical training and the cultivation of expressive force of aerobics .

  21. 第二章以中国古典舞为例试论礼乐思想在其朝代变更中沿袭至失传。

    The second chapter for example try to talk about the " Chinese classical music " in its dynastic change ideological continues of extinction .

  22. 当代中国古典舞的发展有众多的争议,其中舞蹈的本体到底为何的争论始终没有停息。

    Much controversy exists in the development of present Chinese Classical Dancing , in which the argument of the noumenon of dancing has never stopped .

  23. 本文回顾与展望中国古典舞文化建设,从既成事实的描述和分析入手,理清脉络,疏通思路,陈述事实,指明本质。

    The paper gives a retrospect and prospect of the construction of Chinese classical dance , narrates and analyzes the accomplished fact and points out the essence .

  24. 为了整理中国古典舞在比赛中的突出现象,作者将舞蹈比赛中的中国古典舞类项比赛设为一个独立的比赛范畴,即中国古典舞比赛。

    To focus on the obvious phenomenon in Chinese classical dance , the author sets the dance competition of Chinese classical dance class to an independent competition category .

  25. 古韵瑜伽是中国古典舞身韵和瑜伽体式,气韵完美接合,练习者感到生动达到练习的系统性。

    Ancient Yoga is a perfect combination of Chinese Classical Dance and Yoga Style ; the practicer may feel the vigor and reach to the system of Yoga .

  26. 戏曲舞蹈在中国古典舞形成、发展历程中,起到了承上启下的基础性作用。

    Chinese opera has deep significance on the Chinese classical dance and the opera dance plays the vital role in the establishment and development of the Chinese classical dance .

  27. 古典舞和芭蕾舞都离不开好音乐,但两者需要的音乐是有本质的区别,这是由两者不同的文化历史背景决定的。

    Although classical dancing and ballet both require excellent music , the music they need is quite different for the reason that they have various cultural and historical background .

  28. 但是这三种完全不同的技术技巧,运用截然不同的表现形态,所以可以说是古典舞技术技巧中自成三个相对独立的技术类别。

    But these three techniques are completely different , for they have different manifestations . So these three technique systems are , so to speak , relatively independent technique categories .

  29. 以当代中国古典舞作品为例,在作品分析的基础上,整体给出中国古典舞的情感表达特征和特性。

    Take the present Chinese Classical Dancing as an example , on the basis of work analysis , this chapter shows the emotional expression characteristics and features of Chinese Classical Dancing .

  30. 本文共分三章,第一章,中国古典舞情感表达的特点,包含:动作本体的情感表达特点;舞种本身的情感表达特点。

    The article is divided into three chapters . Chapter I : The emotional expression characteristics of Chinese Classical Dancing , including the emotional expression characteristics of action noumenon and dancing itself .