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  1. 本文列举了平话和粤语常见的几个古庄母字的特殊读法,并通过汉语方言的比较以及与少数民族语言的比较,说明它产生的可能。

    The paper lists special pronunciations of the common words with MC Zhuang initials in Pinghua and Yue Group , and explains the causes with comparisons of the Chinese dialects and minority languages .

  2. 燕山地区中元古界高于庄组和杨庄组地球化学特征及环境意义

    Geochemical Characteristics and Environmental Significance of Gaoyuzhuang and Yangzhuang Formations in Yanshan Region

  3. 北京平谷中元古界高于庄组藻类微化石

    Algal microfossils of the Middle Proterozoic Gaoyuzhuang Formation in Pinggu county , beijing

  4. 天津蓟县剖面中元古界高于庄组臼齿状构造的层序地层位置及其成因的初步研究

    Preliminary study on sequence-stratigraphic position and origin for Molar-tooth structure of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation of Mesoproterozoic at Jixian section in Tianjin