
  • 网络Ancient forest;Gullin Lars;Kulim;Gullin;Guerin
  1. 寂寂古林,群山侧听。

    In the silent forest listening .

  2. 现在,像许多兽人一样,古林扎克为了谋生干起了盗匪以及其他犯罪勾当。

    Now , gruezak , like so many orcs , has resorted to banditry and other crimes simply to survive .

  3. 这次讲座的成功举办也得益于敖特集团市场推广经理&古林正先生的大力合作。

    This talk was made also possible through the efforts of Mr Christian Klepp , the Marketing Manager of Ortus Group .

  4. 在此基础上,本文将古林法与模糊评判法相结合用于网络安全威胁评估,提出了一个基于古林-模糊综合评判的大规模网络威胁等级量化模型。

    On this basis , this paper combine A.J.Klee with fuzzy evaluation method for network security threat assessment and propose a quantitative threat level evaluation model for large-scale network based on A.J.Klee and fuzzy evaluation .

  5. 扬州古运河生态环境林模式建设研究

    Study on construction pattern of ecological environment forest along the Grand Canal in Yangzhou

  6. 扬州市古运河生态环境林观光休闲型绿化模式营建研究

    Construction of the afforestation pattern with scenic forest on the banks of the Grand Canal in Yangzhou

  7. 印度教的影响在古伦族,林布族,菩提亚人,和塔卡里族群体中并不是很大,他们用佛教僧侣作宗教仪式。

    Hindu influence is less prominent among the Gurung , Limbu , Bhutia , and Thakali groups , who employ Buddhist monks for their religious ceremonies .