
ɡǔ yàn
  • ancient proverbs/quotations
古谚 [gǔ yàn]
  • [ancient saying] 从古相传的俗语

  • 中国有句古谚:只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针

  1. 有句古谚曾说,绵羊每叫一声,它就会掉落一口干草

    There is a saying that every time the sheep bleats , it loses a mouthful of hay .

  2. 正如古谚所说,软弱的心无法赢得美人。

    As the old saw has it , faint heart never won fair lady .

  3. 古谚说:爱屋及乌。内蒙古呼伦湖沉积物营养元素分布及环境污染评价

    Distribution of Nutrient Elements and Environmental Pollution Assessment in Sediment of Hulun Lake , in Inner Mongolia

  4. 借用一句古谚:这是一场马拉松,不是百米冲刺。

    To borrow the old adage : It 's a marathon , folks , not a sprint .

  5. 这让我想起了一句古谚:种下‘如果’和‘等到’,看不到收获。

    It remains me of an old proverb : If and When were planted , and Nothing grew .

  6. “千里之行始于足下”这句古谚大师再熟习不外了。

    There 's the old saying everyone 's familiar with " a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step " .

  7. 对税收犯罪提起苦的第二个理由是,正如古谚所云,钱是万恶之源。

    The second reason for prosecuting tax crimes is that , as the old saying goes , Money is the root of all evil .

  8. 中国的教育工作者都知道这个古谚:“授人以鱼不如授人以渔。”

    All educators in China know this ancient Chinese proverb : " give a man a fish and you feed him for a day . "

  9. 古谚说:爱屋及乌.但是,爱吾及书这句知却有更深的哲理。

    There is an old proverb , Love me , love my dog . But there is more wisdom in this : Love me , love my book .

  10. 社会上似乎愈来愈多人认为一切都是理所当然,但古谚说得好:“世界并没有欠你什么而需要养活你。”

    There seems to be a growing sense of entitlement within society , but the adage remains true : " The world does not owe you a living . "

  11. 古谚有云:“男怕入错行,女怕嫁错郎”,这正是强调了做出正确职业选择的重要性。

    There is an old saying : " Lifelong misery and hardship await if you chose a wrong profession " which emphasizes the importance of making the right career choice 。

  12. 古谚有云“暴风雨前的宁静”,这通常用在比喻的修辞中,描述热闹的活动以及情绪亢奋前的一段安静时间。

    And there is an old phrase " calm before the storm , " often used in its figurative meaning - a quiet period just before a great activity or excitement .

  13. “散发着恶臭的玫瑰”大蒜的名字源自希腊和罗马的古谚但抛开它的独特香气和风味来看,大蒜能帮助你免受心脏疾病的困扰。

    The " stinking rose " the name derives from Greek and Roman antiquity offers far more than its characteristic flavor and aroma ; garlic may help protect you against heart disease .

  14. 但我更愿意对这一古谚作这样的解读,即人们的幸福感与满足感缘起于他们所已取得的成就,包括已经取得了的“新”和“异”的成就。

    But I would rather interpret this as implying that people 's sense of happiness and satisfaction results from what they have achieved , including what is new and what is different .

  15. 古谚有云,“鸡蛋未孵出,先别数小鸡”(别高兴太早了)。说到小鸡,女士们,千万不要在第一次约会就提到卵子。

    As the old saying goes , " Don 't count your chickens before they hatch . " Speaking of chickens , ladies , don 't ever mention your eggs on a first date .

  16. 正如古谚所说:如果你欠银行5美元,那么你将有麻烦,但如果你欠银行500万美元,那么银行将有麻烦。

    As the old saying goes : if you owe the bank $ 5 , you have a problem , but if you owe the bank $ 5m , the bank has a problem .

  17. 他们援引古谚:水至清则无鱼,换言之,生物只有在浑水里才能生存。

    They invoked the old saying : If the water is too clean , you will not catch any fish ; or , to put it another way , the creatures will survive only in muddy waters .

  18. 工作:我们相信有句古谚说的“愈努力工作,好运愈多”。我们确信勤劳、诚实与工作使我们迈向成功的主要因素。

    Work : We believe that there is an old proverb says ," more hard work , good luck more " We are convinced that hard work , honesty and work to make major factor in our success .

  19. 有句大家熟悉的古谚,“千里之行始于足下”。即使再小的事情,诸如从沙发走到冰箱前,也需要亲自行动。

    There 's the old saying everyone 's familiar with " a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step " In order to even move from the couch to the refrigerator , you have to start .

  20. 中国古谚中有“十羊九不全”的说法,意思是说羊年出生的十人中有九人命不好,一生都会命途多舛。

    There is an old Chinese saying " shi yang jiu bu quan , " that means nine out of 10 people born in the Year of the Goat are unlucky and will suffer from great misfortune throughout their life .