
  • 网络guru
  1. 就是连接,导致学生跟随老师或古鲁(guru),而不是跟随自己内在的觉知。

    It is the attachment that causes the student to follow the teacher or guru rather than following one 's own internal knowing .

  2. 因为这个原因,为走在灵性道路上而去寻找一个古鲁(guru)或导师经常被认为是必要的。

    It is for this reason that finding a guru or teacher in order to be on the spiritual path is often deemed necessary .

  3. IBM印度研究实验室主任古鲁都斯?巴纳瓦尔希望通过他的研究,能让那些没有读写能力的人也能建立网站。

    Guruduth Banavar , the director of IBM 's India Research Laboratory , wanted to allow people who struggle with literacy to create websites .

  4. 对Oa来说,这就等同于是选择生存还是死亡,以及他是否会为当前投生的大古鲁而死去。

    For Oa this equated to a choice to live or die and whether or not he would die for the big gurus currently incarnate .

  5. 同理shorton(something)缺乏,缺少,短缺night-stand(床边带抽屉的)小桌床头柜guru古鲁(印度教或锡克教的宗教导师或领袖)专家;权威;大师

    relaxing at home , not prepared to go out in public don 't have enough of something a small table or cabinet on the right or left side of a bed , near the head a person who gives wise advice , typically a very old man ( sarcastic usage here )

  6. 想找到一个大师、一个古鲁的渴望是恐惧;

    Fear is the urge that seeks a Master , a guru ;

  7. 古鲁:这全是焦点所在的问题。

    Maharaj : it is all a matter of focus .

  8. 古鲁最先给我酿酒的糖蜜;

    First my guru gives molasses for the making of the Wine ;

  9. 古鲁时期锡克教的演变及其原因(续)

    Development of Sikhism Under Its Gurus ( Continued )

  10. 古鲁喜欢将好业力取走而送给自己喜欢的人。

    Gurus like to take good karma and give it to their favored .

  11. 但他不是我的古鲁,他不是我行为的指导。

    But he 's not my guru , he 's not my behaviour guide .

  12. 你很聪明的把古鲁或者圣经上的教导在自己内心中合理化了。

    You have cleverly rationalized what the gurus and holy books have taught you .

  13. 这些追随者们的气被剥夺而成为了古鲁们的营养。

    The chi of the following was stripped to foster the ascent of the guru .

  14. 他于今年在古鲁对二十五个青少年进行了艺术疗法。

    He held art therapy sessions with twenty-five young people in Gulu earlier this year .

  15. 孔子与古鲁:中国与印度学术职业的变革

    Confucius and the Guru : the changing status of the academic profession in China and India

  16. 古鲁:干嘛你不去质疑世界及个人有几真实?

    Maharaj : why don 't you enquire how real are the world and the person ?

  17. 他的教派值得注目,因为它强调绝对服从古鲁(导师)。

    His sect is noteworthy because it stresses absolute obedience to the guru ( teacher ) .

  18. 但之后我读了马塔沙比古鲁(印度教的导师)写的《重归爱情》。

    But then I read a book by Guru Mathashavi called A Way Back Into Love .

  19. 许多人在描述冥想时,也总是要提到古鲁(宗师),放松,什么都不想等要素。

    People describing meditation frequently mention elements such as gurus , relaxation , and " thinking about nothing . "

  20. 正是因为这一原因,当这类古鲁提升时,他们最亲近的信徒大多死亡。

    It is for this reason that upon the ascent of such humans , most of the closest following died .

  21. 以他的情形来看,他的精神导师或者古鲁是一个数百年前已经死去的《吠陀经》讲解者。

    In his case , his spirit guide or guru had been a commentator on the Vedas who had died centuries ago .

  22. 时间流逝,吉里什开始得知古鲁是静静地打开门徒内在生命的人。

    As time passed , Girish began to learn that the guru is the one who silently unfolds the disciple 's inner life .

  23. 他们在工作区和维护上的投资不堪重负,雇佣了大量的“古鲁”来管理他们系统的缺陷。

    They compensate by investing heavily in workarounds and maintenance , and by employing hordes of " gurus " to manage their systems'flaws .

  24. 问题:必须等待一个古鲁给自己一个咒语吗,或者一个人可以自己找到一种咒语?

    Question : Is it necessary to wait for a guru to give a mantra or may one find a mantra on one 's own ?

  25. 正是使用疾病机械对他们追随者晶格层进行连接,使得这类古鲁的不完全提升被启动;

    It was through the connection to their following 's grid work through the disease machinery that the incomplete ascension of such gurus was launched ;

  26. 你的意思是不是我必须放弃我的古鲁?抛弃他教导我的一切?我会迷失的!

    Do you mean to say that I must give up my guru ? Abandon all he has taught me ? I should be lost !

  27. 当他达到某个阶段并且变得适合觉悟时,他所信仰的上帝就以古鲁的形式出现并引导他。

    When he reaches a certain stage and becomes fit for enlightenment , the same God whom he was worshipping comes as Guru and leads him on .

  28. 当此发生,就有机会让一个人成为自己的古鲁或老师,学会跟随来自自己内在的引导。

    As this occurs , there is an opportunity for one to become their own guru or teacher , and learn to follow their own guidance from within .

  29. 弟子敬行请我讲解他在陈上师的〈古鲁古里佛母怀法火供仪轨〉中找出的〈古鲁古里佛母颂〉。

    Disciple Jing Xing asked me to give a talk on a Praise to Kurukulla as found in Guru Chen 's fire puja ritual to the Mother Buddha .

  30. 同时有千万个古鲁声称他们的方法、他们的体系、他们的冥想方式是通往真理的唯一途径。

    And there are a thousand gurus who maintain that their method , their system , their way of meditation , is the only path that leads to truth .