
  • 网络trusted network;trustworthy network
  1. 基于TPM的移动终端接入可信网络体系结构

    Architecture of TPM based mobile device accessing trusted network

  2. 可信网络连接(TNC)架构的应用研究

    Application of Trusted Network Connect ( TNC ) Architecture

  3. SSL用于在不可信网络中提供附加安全级别。

    SSL is used to provide an additional level of security across the untrusted network .

  4. TNC为TCG所提出的关于可信网络的主规范。

    TNC is the trusted network main standard proposed by TCG .

  5. 一种基于EAP的可信网络接入机制

    An EAP-Based Trusted Network Access Mechanism

  6. 基于802.1X的可信网络连接技术

    Trusted Network Connect Technology Based on 802.1X

  7. 其次,在混合模型下构造了UC安全的可信网络连接协议TK-TNC。

    Then , a UC secure Trusted Network Connect proto-col named TK-TNC is constructed .

  8. 在一种场景中构建自己的OP是有意义的:应用程序集群中的多个应用程序共享可信网络中的资源。

    One scenario where it could make sense to build your own OP is an application cluster where several applications share resources in a network of trust .

  9. 对TNC架构进行了扩展分析,详细阐述了带有TPM的可信网络连接架构。对涉及的可信平台做了简单介绍。

    Meanwhile , we have extended the analysis of TNC architecture based on TPM TNC architecture , and elaborated the involved trusted platform .

  10. 介绍了与可信网络连接接入方案相关的技术细节,包括IEEE802.1x协议、可扩展认证协议、基于隧道的EAP认证方法和RADIUS协议。

    Some related technical details of TNC Scheme , such as IEEE 802.1x protocol , Extensible Authentication Protocol , EAP authentication methods based on the tunnel and the RADIUS protocol were introduced .

  11. 一种可信网络接入认证模型和改进的OSAP协议设计与研究

    Design and Research of a Trusted Network Attestation Model and Improved OSAP Protocol

  12. 最后,分别采用Box-Jenkins模型和Holt-Winter模型基于安全态势评估结果对未来可信网络安全变化趋势进行预测。

    Finally , upon the evaluation result , the Box-Jenkins model and the Holt-Winter model are selected to forecast the trusted network security trend .

  13. 本文以可信网络连接TNC规范为背景,对终端可信度量技术的若干问题进行了深入的研究和探讨,并提出了相应的解决方案。

    In this paper , under the background of trusted network connection specification , a number of issues on Trusted Evaluation were discussed and underwent an in-depth study , and the corresponding solutions were proposed .

  14. 由于在资源访问控制中运用可信网络连接技术获取了平台因素和实体及平台的可信等级,因此,本文提出的TL-BLP模型可以实现TNC架构上的资源访问控制的可信性。

    As Trusted Network Connection technology was applied to obtain platform factors and trusted level of entities and platforms , the creditability of resource access control on TNC structure can be achieved in TL-BLP .

  15. 论述EAP-FAST的工作原理,设计一种基于EAP-FAST的可信网络连接接入方案,并对方案的正确性、安全性、效率和实用性进行分析。

    A TNC scheme based on EAP-FAST was designed , after discussed the principle of EAP-FAST . Then the correctness , security , efficiency and practicality of the scheme were analyzed . 4 .

  16. 可信网络连接的全生命周期授权模型及应用

    Entire Lifecycle Authorization Model of Trusted Network Connection and Its Application

  17. 基于等级划分的可信网络的修复技术研究

    Research on Remediation Technology in Trusted Network Based on Classification of Level

  18. 基于可信网络连接的数据采集系统访问控制模型

    Trusted Network Connect Based on Access Control Model for Data Acquisition System

  19. 第2章,介绍了安全可信网络概念、结构及其安全机制;

    Relate the concept and structure of trustworthy network ;

  20. 着重分析了可信网络连接架构,包括架构中涉及的实体、层次和接口。

    TNC architecture , including the entities , layers and interfaces was analyzed .

  21. 可信网络架构安全模型的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of the Trusted Network Architecture ( TNA ) Security Model

  22. 基于终端行为的可信网络连接控制方案

    Trusted network connect control based on terminal behavior

  23. 安全可信网络系统的标准与实现

    Trusted computer network system 's standard and Implementation

  24. 基于可信网络的分布式防火墙架构

    A Distributed Firewall Architecture Based on Trusted Network

  25. 作为下一代移动可信网络,其安全问题更加突出。

    As a credible next-generation mobile networks , its security problems have become more prominent .

  26. 解析移动通信安全机制,构建下一代可信网络

    Analysis of Safety Mechanism of Mobile Communication and Construction of the Next Generation Reliable Network

  27. 可信网络在智能交通安全应用的研究

    Application of Trustworthy Networks to ITS Security

  28. 可信网络连接的思想及技术

    Idea and Technology of TNC

  29. 标点符号的名与实实名制可信网络很好的解决了这个问题。

    A host real-name architecture based on the HIP protocol can deal with these problems very well .

  30. 可信网络研究

    Research on Trustworthy Networks