
  • 网络recoverable cost
  1. 瓦楞纸板因其质量轻、可回收利用、成本低廉等优点而广泛应用于包装领域。

    Corrugated board is widely used in packaging as their light weight , recyclable and low cost .

  2. 指出由于聚萘二甲酸乙二酯啤酒瓶性能优越,可回收并且生产成本有望大幅度降低,是今后塑料啤酒瓶的主流。

    It 's pointed out that PEN beer bottles are likely to be the mainstream because of their excellent functions , returnability and anticipated greatly reduced cost in the future .

  3. [结果]各年总费用、总药费和总治疗费差异有统计学意义。本方法得到的银粉纯度高于99.5%,回收率大于94%,KI可重复利用,回收成本低。

    The results showed that the purity of recovered silver was more than 99.5 % , the recovery rate was more than 94 % , KI could be reused and the all cost was low .