
  • 网络sustainable tourism consumption
  1. 可持续旅游消费理论创新研究

    The Theory Innovation of the Sustainable Tourism Consumption

  2. 再次,从可持续旅游消费的角度探讨了可持续旅游消费的实现途径。

    Thirdly , from the view of sustainable tourism consumption , we discussed the way of realizing sustainable tourism consumption .

  3. 最后,提出了可持续旅游消费相关企业的生态化管理措施。

    In the end of the paper , we also present some ecological management measures on sustainable tourist consumption for related enterprises .

  4. 可持续旅游消费是新型消费观&可持续消费观在旅游消费领域的反映和体现,它的提出跟绿色消费、绿色旅游、生态旅游消费等概念密切相关。

    Sustainable tourism consumption ( STC ) is a new consumption view , which is the reflection and embodiment of sustainable consumption view in the field of tourism consumption .

  5. 可持续旅游消费是指既能满足当代人旅游消费发展需要而又不对后代人满足其旅游消费发展需要的能力构成危害的旅游消费。

    Sustainable tourism consumption refers to the tourism consumption , which caters to the development of tourism consumption of contemporaries while not harming the capacity of tourism consumption development of future generations .

  6. 旅游消费活动的外部不经济性制约了旅游业的可持续发展,消除旅游消费活动中的外部不经济性是构建可持续旅游的关键。

    The negative externality of tourism consumption limits the sustainable development of tourism , so eliminating the negative externality of tourism consumption is the key to constructing the sustainable development of tourism .