
  • 网络Wearable Computing
  1. 眼镜计划(ProjectGlass)本质上就是GoogleNow加上增强现实技术以及可穿戴计算。

    Project glass is essentially Google now plus augmented reality and wearable computing .

  2. 重点介绍了可穿戴计算技术、USB技术并提出了一种将USB接口作为可穿戴计算机通用接口的设计方法。

    This paper introduces the wearable computing technology , USB technology and expounds a new method of applying USB to the design of wearable computers .

  3. 这是他自己的路的现成可穿戴计算系统,一个难解的东西已经过时了Windows智能手机连接到一对个人视频眼镜通过在他的短裤笨重的电池组。

    It was his own off-the-shelf wearable computing system , a gordian thing connecting his outdated Windows smartphone to a pair of personal video glasses via an unwieldy battery pack in his shorts .

  4. SimonRitter专门研究新兴的技术,包括网格计算、RFID、无线传感网络、机器人技术和可穿戴计算。

    Simon Ritter specialises in looking at emerging technologies including grid computing , RFID , wireless sensor networks , robotics and wearable computing .

  5. 苹果在日本申请iWatch专利表明它对可穿戴计算设备非常认真。

    A patent application in Japan for an Iwatch suggests apple is serious about wearables .

  6. 如果公司开发可穿戴计算设备,谷歌(Google)、捷波朗(Jawbone)甚至其合作伙伴耐克(Nike)早都已经走在了前面。

    If it moves into wearable computers , it will do so only after Google ( GOOG ) , jawbone , or its own partner Nike ( NKE ) already have shown the way .

  7. 在这些可穿戴计算的研究和应用中,上下文感知获得了广泛关注。

    In these research and applications , context-aware has aroused wide concern .

  8. 重点介绍了可穿戴计算人机交互的特殊性。

    Introducing particularity of Wearable computer and human interactive .

  9. 基于可穿戴计算的企业现场作业辅助系统及关键技术研究

    Study on Enterprise On-site Task Assistant System and Key Technologies Based on Wearable Computing

  10. 可穿戴计算文本输入的测试及分析

    Text Enter Test and Analyzing for Wearable Computing

  11. 但是,作为一种新兴的理念,可穿戴计算仍然面临较大的困难。

    However , as a new concept , wearable computing is still facing great difficulties .

  12. 基于可穿戴计算平台的文境感知技术及其应用可穿戴计算环境研究与设计

    Context Aware Technology and Application Based on Wearable Computer Wearable Computing Environment Research and Design

  13. 可穿戴计算环境研究与设计

    Wearable Computing Environment Research and Design

  14. 实际上,不只是在可穿戴计算环境中人机交互特别是文本输入是需要研究的重点;

    One of the important branches of research in wearable computer is human and computer interactive .

  15. 可穿戴计算文本输入的研究

    Text Enter Study for Wearable Computing

  16. 可穿戴计算与系统仿真

    Wearable Computing and System Simulation

  17. 功耗管理是可穿戴计算系统低功耗设计的一个重要手段。

    Power management is one of the most important key for lower power design of wearable computing system .

  18. 首先介绍了可穿戴计算,然后初步探讨了可穿戴计算在系统仿真中的应用。

    Firstly the paper introduces the wearable computing , and then elementarily explores the application of wearable computing in the system simulation area .

  19. 近年来,可穿戴计算技术飞速发展,如腕表型计算机等已经在诸多领域得到了广泛应用。

    In recent years , wearable computing technology is developing rapidly , such as watch-type computer , etc. has been widely applied in many fields .

  20. 可穿戴计算也为系统仿真提供了新的计算平台,将会对系统仿真技术产生重要的影响。

    Meanwhile , wearable computing also provides the system simulation with new computing platform , which will have important influence upon the system simulation technology .

  21. 但是以现在为坐标原点,回顾过去十年,我们可以说这是可穿戴计算装置走出科幻电影进入现实生活的一个重要时刻。

    But we may look back 10 years from now , and say this was the moment when wearable computing stepped out of the sci-fi films and into real life .

  22. 本文围绕可穿戴计算文本输入进行展开,包括实验平台的建立,学习软件的开发和改进,输入设备实验对比,实验数据的处理和实验结果的分析、讨论。

    This paper is center about wearable computing text input , contains building experiment platform , improving Twiddler Tutor , experiment with multi-tap , experimental evaluation , data handling and discussion .

  23. 我在过去的24小时里试用谷歌这一可穿戴计算装置,与为其设计应用程序的人们交谈,并观测周围旁观者的反应。

    I 've spent the last 24 hours trying out Google 's wearable computing device , talking to people who are developing apps for it , and gauging the reaction of onlookers .

  24. 可穿戴计算体现了以人为本这一先进的交互方式和交互理念。而对于孤立的可穿戴计算机其资源有限,需要计算环境的支撑。

    The wearable computer realizes the advanced interaction style and interaction idea of " people first ", but it needs the support of the computing environment because of the individual wearable computer 's limited resources .

  25. 可穿戴计算是一种新的计算模式,它从计算概念、交互模式、人机关系、功能和使用等方面都不同于传统的桌面计算和移动计算模式。

    Wearable computing is a kind of new computing model and it is different from the traditional desktop and mobile computing models in terms of computing concept , interactive model , human-computer relations , function and usage .

  26. 叙述了人机交互的最近进展,尤其是我国的一些优秀成果,包括多通道交互、交互模型、虚拟现实和三维交互、可穿戴计算和移动计算、智能空间、标准化;

    This article describes the current progress of human-computer interaction , especially in China . It includes multimodal interaction , interactive models , virtual reality and 3D interaction , wearable and mobile computing , smart spaces , and standardization .

  27. 迄今为止,苹果Watch是被人们寄予最高期望的新式“可穿戴”计算平台,但它可能难有大作为。

    For something that carries with it the best hope yet for a new " wearables " computing platform , the Watch risks being hamstrung .

  28. 谷歌(Google)昨日试图偷偷地超越苹果(Apple),给“可穿戴”计算设备这一新市场注入活力。该公司展示了一系列精简版的互联网服务,比如语音激活搜索,这些服务将搭载于即将推出的新一代智能手表上。

    Google sought yesterday to steal a march on Apple and breathe life into a new market for " wearable " computing devices , as it showed off a range of stripped down internet services such as voice-activated search to feature on a coming generation of smartwatches .

  29. 我们正在迈入可穿戴、直觉式计算的新时代。房屋、汽车、商店、农场、工厂,这些东西都将具备思考、感知和行动的能力。

    We have entered a new age of embedded , intuitive computing in which our homes , cars , stores , farms , and factories have the ability to think , sense , understand , and respond to our needs .

  30. 本文介绍了可穿戴计算机和可穿戴计算技术,重点分析了其中的文境感知技术,并举例讨论了文境感知技术的一种应用实现。

    This paper introduced wearable computer and wearable computing technology . It mainly analyzed context aware technology of wearable computing and illustrated an application of that .