
kě wéi hù xìng
  • maintainability;serviceability;maintenanceability
可维护性[kě wéi hù xìng]
  1. bookcover你想学习如何设计软件可靠性、安全性和可维护性吗?

    Book coverDo you want to learn to design for software reliability , security , and maintainability ?

  2. 为了提高软件的可靠性和可维护性,解决软件模块化和重用化的问题,本文运用面向对象技术和统一建模语言UML进行仿真系统模块化建模与设计。

    In order to improve the reliability and maintainability , solve the problem of the modularization and reuse of the software model .

  3. 随着互联网的日趋成熟,Web应用程序由于提供了丰富的用户界面和其良好的可维护性而变得越来越流行。

    As the Internet has become more mature , Web applications featuring responsive user interfaces and maintainability capabilities have become increasingly popular .

  4. 采用前端控制器模式来保护电子商务应用系统中的普通Web页面和Web服务,采用这种模式可以使系统具有更好的可维护性。

    Front controller pattern could protect common web pages and web services in e - business , and makes easier the maintenance of the system .

  5. 可维护性对CAI使用的制约

    Maintainability Restricting with the Use of CAI

  6. 当修改这些类中的代码时,就能够实现特定的重构(比如MoveMethod)和特定的设计模式,以逐步改进可维护性。

    When I modify code in these classes , I can implement certain refactorings such as Move Method along with certain design patterns to improve the ease of maintenance incrementally .

  7. 我提倡使用pi演算通道是由于它的简单性,换句话说是由于它的高效性和可维护性。

    I advocated pi calculus channels because of their simplicity , which generally translates to performance and maintainability .

  8. JavaScript是一种完全面向对象的语言,虽然可能不使用class和interface关键字,但仍然可以保持代码的清晰性和可维护性。

    JavaScript is a fully object-oriented language , and although it might not use the class and interface keywords , it keeps your code clean and maintainable .

  9. 即使在没有完全利用XML作为中心信息模型的环境中,为了可读性和可维护性而设计良好的XML也是很重要的。

    Even in environments not fully leveraging XML as a central information model , it is important to design good XML for the sake of readability and maintainability .

  10. 面向方面程序设计是近年来提出的一种程序设计技术,通过将横切关注点封装成Aspect,实现软件系统复杂性的降低,系统可维护性和可扩展性的提高。

    Aspect-oriented programming is a recently developed programming technology that can decrease the complexity and improve maintainability and extensibility of software systems by encapsulating crosscutting concerns into aspects .

  11. 相对于B/S结构其优点在于:具有灵活的硬件系统构成及更好的支持分布式环境。提高程序的可维护性。

    Compared with C / S architecture , Multi-tier architecture has more advantages : smart hardware system , supporting distributed environment , more maintainable programs , reliable security management and thin-client .

  12. 除了使测试变得更简单之外,DI还有助于提高代码的总体模块性和可维护性。

    In addition to making tests easier , DI also helps your code 's overall modularity and maintainability .

  13. 在此基础上,用VisualBasic6.0开发了火电机组性能计算与能损分析计算软件,软件本身则采用了模块化的编程思想,增加了程序的可维护性与扩展性。

    Then the software of performance calculation and energy loss analyses for a coal-fired power unit is developed to use Visual Basic 6.0 . A modular design idea is used for the software .

  14. 该通讯系统的应用,增强了整个GPS遥感大气水汽探测网的可维护性,为最终实现GPS水汽探测网的业务化运行奠定了一定的理论和实践基础。

    The application of this communication system can enhance the maintainability of the system and facilitate the operational application of the GPS water vapor remote sensing network .

  15. 实践证明,我们开发的基于J2EE架构的信息系统,运行稳定、安全,可维护性好。

    Practice proves that the information systems we developed based on J2EE framework has been operating stably , safely and keep good maintainability .

  16. 几年来我一直建议开发人员使用DI,因为它提高了可维护性、可测试性和灵活性。

    I 've suggested for years that developers use DI , because it improves maintainability , testability , and flexibility .

  17. Hibernate降低模型的开发难度和复杂性,使系统有更好的可维护性和灵活性。

    Hibernate reduced model development difficulty and complexity , so that the system has better maintainability and flexibility .

  18. 的确,开发人员开始使用非常有创造力的方式使用注释和文本格式,用于改进CSS代码的可维护性。

    Indeed , developers came up with quite creative ways to use comments and text formatting to improve the maintainability of CSS-code .

  19. 举例说明游戏中能够从OOP设计的结构和可维护性中获得极大利益的模式。

    Examples explain common patterns in games that can greatly benefit from the structure and maintainability of OOP design .

  20. 对于开发者来说,解决好Web应用系统的表示逻辑、业务逻辑及数据逻辑层次结构问题是增强代码重用性和可维护性、提高开发效率的重要因素之一。

    For a developer , solution of the level and structure problems of expressing logic , business logic and data logic of Web application system is a major factor of enhancing code reuse and management and promoting development efficiency .

  21. 同时,该软件框架降低了GUI软件系统与RTOS的耦合性,提高了嵌入式GUI软件的可维护性、可理解性和可扩展性。

    Meanwhile , the software framework can decouple the embedded GUI software system and RTOS , to improve the maintainability , understandability and extensibility .

  22. 在实践的基础上给出了一致性测试的一般过程和要点,并对IPSec协议测试集的可维护性与可扩展性进行了讨论,提出了笔者的一些经验和看法。

    This paper discusses the maintainability and scalability of the IPSec protocol test suite and provides some experience and views of the author .

  23. 可维护性:对Ant脚本应用源控制比对所生成的工件更容易,或者比对用于生成应用程序的所编制的过程更容易。

    Maintainability : It is easier to apply source control to the Ant scripts than to the generated artifacts , or to the documented process to generate the application .

  24. GUI程序本身也在不断进步,新的图形工具库比从前的图形工具库不但具有更美观的外观,也具有更好的性能和更好的可维护性。

    New graphic widget toolkit can not only offer a more modern and pleasing appearance than the old ones , but also has better performance and maintainability .

  25. 从而解决在Web应用系统开发过程中由于系统结构的复杂程度较高而带来的一些问题,诸如代码之间的耦合度、应用系统的可维护性和组件的可复用性等。

    By this , we can solve some problems brought by the high complexity of the system structure , such as the coupling degree of codes , the maintenance of the application system , and the reusability of the components .

  26. 以面向对象开发理论为基础,对系统进行的分析,从系统的实时性、可靠性、可维护性、模块化设计出发,利用面向对象开发工具Delphi,结合系统硬件的进行了开发。

    At last programmed the operation software according to system hardware as far as real time reliability and maintainability of system are considered with object-oriented-programming language Delphi .

  27. 通过本文的研究,将大大提高我省公共卫生领域IPSec网络的可维护性。

    By means of the study of this paper , it will greatly enhance the maintainability of public health IPSec network in our province .

  28. 炉膛监控系统也从最初的PLC单独控制发展逐步发展到纳入DCS控制,运行的可靠性、可维护性和可操作性进一步增强。

    Originally the supervisory system of the chamber of a stove had been controlled individually by PLC , but now by DCS , which may strengthen the maintenance and operability further .

  29. 以面向对象的思想,采用结构化设计,在PLC中应用子程序的方式,不仅便于实现多种运行方式,而且大大提高了程序的可维护性和可靠性。

    Using object-oriented idea and adopting structured design , the mode that applies subprogram in PLC not only facilitates the implement of manifold run-mode , but also enhances the program 's maintainability and reliability .

  30. 该系统是一个企业应用集成系统,其中重点使用了J2EE模式指导编码思想,用UML建模技术来设计,这样系统的高可用性和扩展性以及可维护性较好。

    The system primarily use enterprise application integration technology , J2EE technology , UML modeling technology to achieve high system availability and expansionary , and that legacy systems to integrated applications .